What to pick?


Jun 6, 2005
ISOLE - Forevermore
MAR DE GRISES - The Tatterdemalion Express
MORGION - Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth
WAKING COLD, THE - Doorways of a Fading Heart
SWALLOW THE SUN - The Morning Never Came
LONGING FOR DAWN - One Lonely Path

Help me pick 4, maximum 5 albums to order. Forest Of Shadows, Isole and Mar De Grises are almost sure, what about the rest??
Mar de Grises is the only one I'd command you to pick whatever the cost.

Forest of Shadows is about as enthralling as a rainy Sunday morning with a flu - then again it's supposed to make one feel this way, so... go for it if you're really into old-Empyrium.

Morgion is a secure pick for all who like their doom metal with a hint of melancholic acoustics. I grew a bit weary of the style lately and traded my Morgions away.

Swallow the Sun is good too, sort of enhanced My Dying Bride with a Finnish sound, same remark as above though.

Other bands I've never heard of.

[EDIT] Oh yeah, and Skepticism too... See Erik's post hereunder!!!
In order of importance:

1. SKEPTICISM - Farmakon
2. MORGION - Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth
3. ISOLE - Forevermore
4. MOURNFUL CONGREGATION - The Monad of Creation
5. MAR DE GRISES - The Tatterdemalion Express

Forest of Shadows instead of MDG if you like, as Forest of Shadows is generally excellent but I haven't heard the album so I can't recommend it for sure. The important thing here is that you UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES miss out on the Skepticism.
The new Mournful Congregation is one of the most amazing doom/death albums ever (I say that in complete confidence while being totally unfamiliar with the genre and at the risk of being digitally backhanded by Erik... it still rules).
Décadent said:
The new Mournful Congregation is one of the most amazing doom/death albums ever (I say that in complete confidence while being totally unfamiliar with the genre and at the risk of being digitally backhanded by Erik... it still rules).
It does rule, but 1) it's funeral doom really and 2) as such, every Skepticism and Thergothon release absolutely slaughters it by default.
I'm not so sure about either of those things. It doesn't really sit with those other bands, and thus, the genre, and so I think a comparison would be unfair. I'm also starting to think it may just be the album of the year. That interlude during the first track with the "So spake he weeping, and his lady heard him as she sat in the sea-depths besides her aged sire" bit is so incomprehensibly emotionally heavy... plus the outro of the title track is one of my favourite musical moments of all time.
Décadent said:
It doesn't really sit with those other bands, and thus, the genre, and so I think a comparison would be unfair.
Oh, but it does. I mean, decent as the new MC album is, at times I laughed out loud because it was such an obvious Skepticism ripoff. Not all of the time, they have their own sound for sure, but some things are obviously "borrowed" from the genre originators.
Mar de Grises is fucking great . You can't go wrong whatever your tastes are (this forum = proof)
I went for Skepticism, Mar De Grises, Isole and Especially Likely Sloth. Thanks for all the advice!!!
Yeah, well I got a copy for free, and it's a fun novelty item to have, but would I spend $10 on it? Do I ever really listen to or enjoy it? Nah :p