what was the first ever death metal song you listened to?

Cannibal Corpse. I remember hearing them on the radio a long while ago. I can't remember the name of the song, but it was most likely Hammer Smashed Face. But, what's the difference? All their songs sound the same.
my first one was something off of Devourment's album Molesting The Decapitated. i can't remember what song it was though. i loved it the first time i heard it.
MetalHead666999 said:
I think it was Metallica - Master of puppets,
yes its sad but true....hey thats a song by them too......

Sorry to say, but that's not quite death metal. Try again.

My first death metal song, I believe, was "Stranger Aeons" by Entombed. I hated it at first.
Of One Blood by Shadows Fall. That counts right? If not, how bout a Fire in Babylon? If neither of those, then Blackwater Park (the song) was the first I really liked.
No idea really, I had a tape by a band called "Bolt thrower" and it got me into black and death metal. I still have the tape after 13 years or more.
Morbid Angel's "Thy Kingdom Come" was the first I heard. I remember the place as well. It was in my best friends brother's car coming home from school in 6th grade. I was confused, but it was a curious confused heh.
That depends where the "death" line goes.
The first 2 bands that brought me beyond the Metallica/Maiden heavy metal was Children of Bodom and In Flames.
But the first really brutal death song I heard was probably Hammer Smashed Face.
I don't know... like stefan said, depends on what you think "Death" metal is... I'm pretty much ashamed to say the first """"""extreme"""""" [emphazis on the quotation marks] metal song I actually payed attention to was Cloud Connected by In Flames *hides*, then I started getting more IF songs and Opeth, and Dark Tranquility and then into the Real Death Metal stuff. I dunno which one was the very first tr00 song I heard, though.