What would you reccomend?


Lost in my MIND
Jan 13, 2008
Im new to metal... I have none really but i started listening to my friend's a lot and really like it, but i dunno any good bands.
The only metal i have is some Lamb of God and some Chimaira... so what else would you reccomend? Im looking for stuff more along the lines of the Chimaira but i dont really know, so im open to whatever. Thanks :Smokin: :zombie:
Try Hypocrisy possibly "The Arrival". Their not the most underground band but you should probably ease into metal instead of trying to go straight to the more obscure stuff.

EDIT: spell check
Spiral Architect "A Skeptic's Universe"
Spawn of Possession "Noctambalant"
Slayer "South of Heaven"
The Faceless "Akeldema"
Atheist "Unquestionable Presence"
Megadeth "Rust in Peace"
Emperor "In the Nightside Eclipse"

Just a few for starters that I like... Not what you're asking for really though...

If you like Lamb of God then Pantera are who they kinda of copy off of.
My personal favorite off the cd is King of Terrors. The title track is up there also though.
I agree with the Hypocrisy recommendation. good gateway album. "Abducted" is good too.

what you said you already like is generally referred to as "metalcore" (and not fondly at all) and is rather similar to melodic death metal (which Hypocrisy is)

I'd also suggest these:

Ensiferum - Ensiferum
Mithotyn - Gathered Around the Oaken Table
Amon Amarth - Versus the World
Amorphis - Tales From the Thousand Lakes
Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
In Flames - Lunar Strain
In Flames - The Jester Race
Insomnium - Since the Day It All Came Down
I reccomend you check out Despised Icon (a great deathcore band) and Pantera (a big influence on Chimaira). For Pantera I reccomend any of their last 3 albums -- Far Beyond Driven, The Great Southern Trendkill, and Reinventing The Steel. Those are their heavier albums more in vein with Chimaira's style.

No disrespect to them, but the dudes on here generally don't like the kind of metal you're looking for, so they're not reccomending you stuff that's actually like Chimaira. Since you're open to whatever, that might not matter anyway, but I love Chimaira so if you want bands like that, take my reccomendations more seriously. I figure you might as well go for what you like, no?

Lamb of God and Chimaira are both sometimes called groove-metal, so you might like other bands sometimes called that such as Gojiira, DevilDriver, Exhorder, and Machine Head. Also check out very popular metalcore bands such as Job For a Cowboy and Killswitch Engage. You also might like Byzantine, another great Chimaira-type band. In fact they're probably the most like Chimaira out of the bands I know.
It's interesting how everyone is trying to stream him into "true" metal.

Give him what he wants, not what you want him to listen to.
I wish people would stop posting shit like Atheist as recommendations when the person says 'I'm just getting into metal'

Since you're just getting into metal:

In Flames - Reroute to Remain
Carcass - Heartwork
DevilDriver - The Last Kind Words
Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrant
Machine head - The Blackening
Some Testament
Exodus - Fabulous Disaster
I will second Damage Done from Dark Tranquillity
Ha thanks everyone, its all good to me. Ill definitely check out most of the bands named... I said i was open to whatever so its cool that people are trying to introduce me to "true" metal, ill probably thank you for it later. And also why is "metalcore" disliked?
Metalcore is strongly disliked because it blends elements of metal with hardcore punk into a formula that a lot of people find really bad. Also, because it frequently takes themes from punk and metal (antisocial stuff, anger, disenfranchisment) and makes them stupid, i.e. that Chimaira song that goes "I HATE EVERYONE"
Now, I happen to have seen Chimaira live, and they totally kicked ass, but most people on here will give you shit for listening to metalcore. My guess, though, is that once you listen to a lot of "true" metal, you'll probably stop listening to metalcore so much.

For now, some stuff that's not too far off from metalcore:
Soilwork - Stabbing The Drama
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell, Vulgar Display of Power, Reinventing the Steel
The Black Dahlia Murder - Unhallowed
In Flames - Soundtrack To Your Escape (Metalheads generally dislike it, but metalcore fans tend to dig it, and I think it's a solid album)
At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul

And check out Hatebreed

And then a couple that are basically required listening:
At The Gates - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Iron Maiden - Everything, but specifically Iron Maiden, Killers, The Number Of The Beast, Peace Of Mind, Powerslave, Somewhere In Time, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son, Brave New World
Motorhead - Ace Of Spades, Bomber, Overkill, Orgasmatron
Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny, Screaming For Vengeance, British Steel

and I'm missing a whole bunch or whatever...too bored of the "essentials" list to finish it. Enough there to get you started.

I agree with the Hypocrisy recommendation. good gateway album. "Abducted" is good too.

what you said you already like is generally referred to as "metalcore" (and not fondly at all) and is rather similar to melodic death metal (which Hypocrisy is)

I'd also suggest these:

Ensiferum - Ensiferum
Mithotyn - Gathered Around the Oaken Table
Amon Amarth - Versus the World
Amorphis - Tales From the Thousand Lakes
Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
In Flames - Lunar Strain
In Flames - The Jester Race
Insomnium - Since the Day It All Came Down
I second these.

Odyssey is great, especially the song.
I dunno, I felt that the only thing on there that stood out was Inferno. The Odyssey was pretty cool too.
As far as I'm concerned, metalcore is freaking awesome. Deathcore is probably my favorite genre of music. I mean come on, metal itself came from punk influences. If punk influences had never come into metal and made thrash, we'd all be listening to the one millionth Judas Priest clone and none of our favorite death and black metal bands would even exist.

Granted, I do love a lot of "true" metal like Disgorge and Cryptopsy, but it's not like a band such as Despised Icon is lacking any extremety or power. To me a lot of the bands that are more straight-forward are just plain a lot blander. Sometimes it's like listening to BB King when you could be listening to Jimi Hendrix. I understand the purity angle, but I don't listen to metal because I'm into purity!

peace & love, guys.
Scar Symmetry is another band that a lot of people often recommend (they're too cross-over metalcore for me, but I can see why people like them)
I reccomend you check out Despised Icon (a great deathcore band)

NO. they suck.

Metalcore is strongly disliked because it blends elements of metal with hardcore punk into a formula that a lot of people find really bad. Also, because it frequently takes themes from punk and metal (antisocial stuff, anger, disenfranchisment) and makes them stupid, i.e. that Chimaira song that goes "I HATE EVERYONE"

real hardcore punk and metalcore are actually good. I doubt you've even listened to bands like Iceburn, Cro Mags, Quicksand and Bad Brains.
I'm just getting my friends into various forms of metal, mostly death right now. While most of the bands/albums on these lists don't represent the best bands from their respectable sub genre, they're great to start with in my opinion. I'll try to keep accessibility in mind as much as possible.

Thrash Metal:
- Slayer- "Hell Awaits"
- Forbidden- "Forbidden Evil"
- Kreator- "Pleasure To Kill"
- Destruction- "The Antichrist"
- Coroner- "No More Color"
- Demolition Hammer- "Tortured Existence"

Death Metal:
- Morbid Angel- "Altars Of Madness"
- Obituary- "Cause Of Death"
- Death- "Leprosy"
- Cannibal Corpse- "The Bleeding"
- Decapitated- "Winds Of Creation"

Black Metal:
- Emperor- "In The Nightside Eclipse"
- Darkthrone- "A Blaze In The Northern Sky"/"Transilvanian Hunger"
- Bathory- "Under The Sign Of The Black Mark"
- Burzum- "Filosofem"
- Enslaved- "Frost"

Ehh, I would do other genres like doom and such, but laziness has got the best of my at the moment. Like I said, there is far better material to be offered within the genres, but these will fuel an interest in the music very quickly.
I dunno, I felt that the only thing on there that stood out was Inferno. The Odyssey was pretty cool too.

Everytime I listen to that album now I go straight to The Odyssey. That album is worth the price of that one song. The rest of the album is still good, I just don't find it to be that great anymore. Great album, should be in about everyone's collection though.
Metalcore is strongly disliked because it blends elements of metal with hardcore punk into a formula that a lot of people find really bad. Also, because it frequently takes themes from punk and metal (antisocial stuff, anger, disenfranchisment) and makes them stupid, i.e. that Chimaira song that goes "I HATE EVERYONE"
Then again... Slayer has a song called "God Hates us All" singing "I hate everyone equally, you cant tear that outta me, no segragation, seperation, just me and my world of enemies!" but I do get what your saying. With some of the Chimaira songs i dont really like the words, its more that I like the sound of it. Also i listen to a lot of punk and hardcore so it kinda transitions well from what im used to.
That being said I do want the reccomendations for death/black etc metal too cause what ive heard i really like... so thanks everybody.
Good gateway albums would be:
Dimmu Borgir - Purantanical Eurphoric Misanthropia (black)
Hatesphere - The Sickness Within (thrash)
Thurisaz - Circadian Rhythm (folk/black)
Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt (death/thrash)

I recommend buying all of these albums.