What would you reccomend?

real hardcore punk and metalcore are actually good. I doubt you've even listened to bands like Iceburn, Cro Mags, Quicksand and Bad Brains.
I dig punk. I have absolutely nothing against punk, hardcore, crust, whatever. Hell, I even like Turbonegro. I haven't heard extensive amounts of punk, but I have heard Bad Brains and Cro Mags. I liked Bad Brains, Cro Mags didn't really do anything for me...but I have nothing against any form of punk. As for metalcore, I have a deep resentment of the genre that comes from being forced to sit through several metalcore bands at every show I go to. Musically, I don't like most of it, but some of it (like Chimaira) I like.

Then again... Slayer has a song called "God Hates us All"
Nobody respects Slayer anymore. They haven't produced anything worth listening to repeatedly in a while. I liked parts of Christ Illusion, but if you want good modern thrash metal Kreator is the place to go.

You mentioned digging black and death metal, so while I'm not an authority on either of those genres...

Vital Remains
Behemoth (later)
Morbid Angel
Cannibal Corpse
Bolt Thrower

Behemoth (Early)
Summoning (Probably a little too chill for you)

Behemoth and Bloodbath have more of a modern sound than the others, which are more old school death. Vital Remains is pretty raw, but great. Check out Dechristianize.
You should probably stick with Melodic Death Metal and Metalcore for awhile honestly. Listening to mass quantities of "true" metal would probably just turn you off to alot of good bands because you couldnt get into them at the moment. Try some Between the Buried and Me, for metalcore they touch on a few genres and they arent half bad. Listen to Alaska then Silent Circus then Colors (if you like them at all that is).
Im new to metal... I have none really but i started listening to my friend's a lot and really like it, but i dunno any good bands.
The only metal i have is some Lamb of God and some Chimaira... so what else would you reccomend? Im looking for stuff more along the lines of the Chimaira but i dont really know, so im open to whatever. Thanks :Smokin: :zombie:

If you're really that new to metal, be sure to familiarise yourself with the classics:

Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Yngwie Malmsteen
early Metallica
early Slayer
Morbid Angel

Those guys all have must-hear material, and will also give you a good sense of the different subgenres metal has to offer.
If you're really that new to metal, be sure to familiarise yourself with the classics:

Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Yngwie Malmsteen
early Metallica
early Slayer
Morbid Angel

Those guys all have must-hear material, and will also give you a good sense of the different subgenres metal has to offer.

those, every one of them, always were, and remain a complete fuckin bore to me. Obviously the thread starter will make up his own mind, I just had to chime in because all this ancestor worship of the ancient bands really just seems silly to me.

if someone enjoys a particular sound, there's really little point in saying 'here are the bands of the 80's who don't sound at all the same, and you are required to respect them, and if you have taste you'll like them' which people so often do (I'm not accusing you of that). They may just be a great waste of his time, even if only for the present time. At any rate, I'd sooner recommend Carcass than Black Sabbath, or Carpathian Forest than Bathory, or Kreator than Slayer, or Nargaroth than Darkthrone, etc., and even those may not at all coincide with his taste at the moment.

I agree with Demon Lung's sentiments above.
I must say, at first I thought you were just being an asshole, but you do have a reasonable point. However, I find it to be very far fetched that you post on a metal board & you HATE every single one of those band Vihris mentioned :erk: I like every band, but I do need to work on Darkthrone. Venom hasn't really interested me what I've heard.
those, every one of them, always were, and remain a complete fuckin bore to me. Obviously the thread starter will make up his own mind, I just had to chime in because all this ancestor worship of the ancient bands really just seems silly to me.

if someone enjoys a particular sound, there's really little point in saying 'here are the bands of the 80's who don't sound at all the same, and you are required to respect them, and if you have taste you'll like them' which people so often do (I'm not accusing you of that). They may just be a great waste of his time, even if only for the present time. At any rate, I'd sooner recommend Carcass than Black Sabbath, or Carpathian Forest than Bathory, or Kreator than Slayer, or Nargaroth than Darkthrone, etc., and even those may not at all coincide with his taste at the moment.


Ya know, there's a reason people have respect for those bands. It's because they're some of the most creative and talented musicians ever, and most of the ones on that list (except for maybe Slayer and Darkthrone) wrote consistently great riffs and melodies throughout numerous albums - something which is almost impossible to find these days.

I recommended them because I truly believe they are among the best that metal has to offer. And I think it's really sad that people can overlook bands of such superior songwriting ability (especially Sabbath, Maiden, and Bathory, of all groups!) just because they don't have the cutting-edge recording technology of today, or because they were outdone in extr33333me-ness or technicality by later bands.
I must say, at first I thought you were just being an asshole, but you do have a reasonable point. However, I find it to be very far fetched that you post on a metal board & you HATE every single one of those band Vihris mentioned

I don't 'hate' them, they're just really boring to me, it's just an aesthetic thing. I wouldn't speak of their musicianship or creativity or anything, I just don't care for them, and never have done.
Ya know, there's a reason people have respect for those bands. It's because they're some of the most creative and talented musicians ever.
well, sure, I can appreciate that, but Beethoven too was talented, and Mozart was perhaps one of the most talented musicians who ever lived...but is it really appropriate to suggest people should listen to them for that very reason? (again, its not like it's against what the thread starter asked for or anything, this is really just more of a general rant I guess). If the pornstars I like are amatuers, should people be saying 'no, you should be watching Tera Patrick, she's much more talented'? surely the point is how aesthetically appealing I subjectively find the content, not how objectively skillful it is.

and most of the ones on that list (except for maybe Slayer and Darkthrone) wrote consistently great riffs and melodies throughout numerous albums - something which is almost impossible to find these days.
could I pester you into listing perhaps the 30 best?

I recommended them because I truly believe they are among the best that metal has to offer.
fair enough if that's the case, though it's of course utterly subjective...hell they may be the best heavy and thrash metal has to offer, my taste in those genres differs but that may be the case, but to say of all metal is really such a broad statement you may as well say of all rock or all bands or ya know, things get so diverse I can't imagine the bands of 20 years ago of only a couple genres are superior to everything else...

And I think it's really sad that people can overlook bands of such superior songwriting ability.

maybe that is sad...maybe it's sad that I never listen to lyrics, and indeed love vocals in the european languages which I don't know a word of, but hey, I don't like paintings either, so even if I was shown them, if people said 'look at this because it's what a good painting is' I wouldn't appreciate it anyway because that's not what I'm looking for. hell in all my lurking I think I've only seen two rec's threads which were concerned with lyrical content.

or because they were outdone in extr33333me-ness or technicality by later bands.
it's not just that. I hate brutal death, really over complex shit like fuckin Mesuggah, etc., and like some simple shit like Horna and Kreator, so I wouldn't even say it's just that they were too simple or anything...it's just taste.

sorry to sidetrack the thread, everyone.
I don't mean to suggest that you have to like those bands, but as far as I know most people who are really interested in (or passionate about) metal will be interested in those groups - or, at the very least, will have listened to them before.

What exactly did you want me to list the 30 best of? Bands or songs?
yeah ive heard most of those older bands you listed, and listen/ed to quite a bit of sabbath and slayer. It just got a little boring to me, now i prefer metal with a bit more speed than sabbath and a bit deeper than slayer, which is why i wanted reccomendations in the first place.
What exactly did you want me to list the 30 best of? Bands or songs?

the "great riffs and melodies". Having not subjected myself to the entire discographies of all groups mentioned it's clearly possible that I've not heard what you may consider their collective best 20-30 songs (as together I'm sure they have well over 400 songs to choose from)
I must say, at first I thought you were just being an asshole, but you do have a reasonable point. However, I find it to be very far fetched that you post on a metal board & you HATE every single one of those band Vihris mentioned :erk: I like every band, but I do need to work on Darkthrone. Venom hasn't really interested me what I've heard.
I never got into Darkthrone or Venom either.
I finally got time to download some music now... and im really liking the black metal thats been mentioned, not AS much the death metal but i still like it quite a bit. I still have a lot of bands to check out though, so thanks everyone.
don't feel so bad, I've never owned an Iron Maiden record in my life, that might change but not soon.
those, every one of them, always were, and remain a complete fuckin bore to me. Obviously the thread starter will make up his own mind, I just had to chime in because all this ancestor worship of the ancient bands really just seems silly to me.
I agree with you on principle, completely. However, I find that every one of those bands (with the exception of Yngwie and Venom) has made some really great stuff, although it may not be what they are famous for. I prefer later motorhead and priest to their earlier stuff, my favorite Maiden album is brave new world, and the only Darkthrone I really like is the first album.

I really do strongly resent comments like "If you don't like Maiden you don't like metal" (someone on this very forum) or "Jimi Hendrix created the world and you all must worship him or be cast out" (slight exaggeration).
Alright so im really liking The Faceless "Akeldama"... what genre is that? and what are some reccomendations that sound the same/close? thanks
being into metal this will be an invaluable addition to your bookmarks...
(so long as you're running FireFox, not Internet Explorer, their search function should be working fine)

they list The Faceless as Progressive Death Metal

you may also like the American band Vehemence (I'm not big on DM myself, but I always loved these guys)
I have a few clips online if you want a quick taste...
Hmm so I was looking up some more of the recommendations, and i was really liking what I heard and then the song would burst into feminine, soft vocals. Naturally I thought it was just one band, so I forgot that band and moved on... only to find this fairly common. Is this actually common, or did I just look up a few bands that happen to include that? Cause it really put me off those bands...