What's kicking your ass these days?

rottingflesh said:
The new tool is good? i was afraid to pick it up... the song on the radio was a bit weak, i am a Tool fan though.

I've been pleased with it. When people ask my opinion I tell them "It's as good as Lateralus." Definitely not better than, but it holds it's own. I'm looking forward to TOOL being on the road in the States sometime in the fall.
Off the top of my head ... my top 3 for 2006 (thus far):

Doro - Warrior Soul
Sonata Arctica - For the Sake of Revenge
Jorn - The Duke

All very awesome albums. :rock:

There are probably several oter who belong on this list, but unless I'm looking at the CDs I own, I'm never very good at making up lists like this. I always feel I'm forgetting something. :Smokin: :lol:
actordude said:
EOT - I second your opinion on the latest Strato disc!

Thanks! I'm not sure why this wasn't well received. It's one of the few Strat discs that I don't actually skip one or two songs here and there. I really dig the rawness of it, but they still have the power. It has a great live sound to it. Very cool!
Amorphis - Eclipse
Enslaved - Ruun
Swallow the Sun - Ghosts of Loss
Daylight Dies - new one ( title escapes me at the moment ).
Newies that have been doing it

Evergrey - MMA
Avenged Sevenfold - CoE
Twilight Gaurdians - Sintrade
Pyraamaze - LotB
Lacuna Coil -Karmacode
Tool - 10,000 Days

Stuff that continues to kick my ass on a regular basis

Masterplan - Aeronautics
Soilwork - StD
Circus Maximus - The 1st Chapter

On an old school kick still

Lynch Mob - WS and the S/T
MSG - Assault Attack, Built to Destroy, Perfect Timing, S/T
Vinnie Moore - All, alot!!!!
1. Gamma Ray - Majestic
2. Pyramaze - LotBC
3. ....... I just realized I haven't bought that many cds from 2006

One dissapointment of sorts though, Edguy's Rocket Ride. Why? I'd say about half of it sounds "FM radio friendly". Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, it's just that it wasn't what I expected after Hellfire Club. Its not bad, just not up to par.
General Zod said:
So it occurs to me, it's been a while since I've gone to my mailbox in anticipation of a new CD waiting for me. It seems like 2006 has hit a lull. So I'm curious, if you had to list your Top 3 CDs of '06, what would they be?

I would have to say....
PROTOTYPE - Continuum
BEYOND TWILIGHT - for the love of art and the making
SPHERIC UNIVERSE EXPERIENCE- Mental torments + Bonus track
QUEENSRYCHE-OMII - is growing on me but it's not as good as these others in my
humble opinion...that coming from a huge ryche fan...OK I couldn't keep it to 3.

bias 5th choice

PYRAMAZE-Legend of the Bone Carver / well I had to name it,
I have been listening to it more than any other album lately,
I'm rehearsing for shows starting in a few weeks ; )
AngraRULES said:
Dark Empire - Distant Tides
Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
Venturia - The New Kingdom
Satyricon - Now, Diabolical
Sepultura - Dante XXI

Listening to some of Communic right now. They are pretty good. Not exceptional though. But I think they are definitely an option for a future progpower. How is the entire new album? I've only been able to listen to a couple of the songs.

Prototype is pretty sweet. Once I get some cash at the end of this month... I'll probably be picking up a few of the albums from Nightmare records. Some fantastic releases. While people are not too happy with this year so far, I think its because of the lack of big name groups' high quality releases. But there seems to be a number of lesser known groups that are releasing excellent albums.

And Lance. Do you ever listen to a song on the album and go "Why the hell did we do that." or "Damn.. this song is weak," or how about "This sucks."

Just curious. As most actors don't tend to watch movies they've acted in, I was somewhat surprised that you listen to your own album repeatedly. So... curious on what you think about when listening to it. =)

[And I understand that with all your various projects, its probably good to relisten to it so that you stay familiar]