Naysayers are gay.
How come so many people think they are cool for talking shit. This is the Children of Bodom message board - if AYDY was really all that bad you wouldn't still be here.
Aside from that - the album isn't that bad. It's a little different, but not much - and it SURE AS FUCK DOESN'T SOUND LIKE NUMETAL. Where the fuck did that shit come from? There's not a damn thing beyond the 'i don't give a flying fuck motherfucker' lyric on the whole album that sounds Nu-metal.
So Alexi made a gay chorus. ONCE. Oooooohhhhh they must suck now.
Honestly the music doesn't sound like too far of a jump from HCDR - the songs where just written differently, with singles in mind now that people are paying attention. It's almost the same amount of difference between every other album.
NOW THAT PEOPLE ARE PAYING ATTENTION is the reason why there are so many tards running around thinking they'll win respect on the internet by talking shit. Just because the band is popular now doesn't mean they suck. AYDY takes me just as far away from here as every other album did before it.
You want your band to be cool to you again? Quit TALKING SHIT about them. Would you care about giving your old fans what they wanted if all you ever heard them doing was bad mouthing you? I'd start doing shit just to piss them off more.
I'm sure the next album will feel like a more solid, continuous piece. There are alot of reasons why this one was written differently - and now that they've gotten more comfortable in there new 'popular' surroundings they'll present us with a new opus.
I'd expect the next cd will be Follow the Reaper quality.