Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I love the vibe that song gives off. You can just feel the misery when listening to least I can. I guess it really just depends on if you have something in your own life that you can relate the mood/feeling with.

Yeah it's got a really spicy vibe going on. There's a strange mixture of sadness and hope in the melody, a sense of fateful descent downstairs in the verse keyboards, there's some cool riffs, but the weakness of this song is the general riffyness of the album and the chorus... it fails to do what a couple of their other ballad choruses do. They should've just made some variable of the main melody followed by some heavy riffs. It would be right up there with Everytime I Die and Angels.
Let's hope the video is actually good this time.

What's really concerning is you go to youtube and type 'children of bodom' first thing you get is Oops I Did It Again cover. Concidering how horrible that is, it's not a good first-taster of the band.
Ok, video for Roundtrip to Hell and Back soon, I guess you meant that was the news.

Hope they won't just settle with a garage or some other silly location this time but finally make an ambitios video...
I'd probably take the crew to a cave to film RtHaB, or some other moody place like a cemetary, and do some stuff with lights and have shots of Alexi walking down steps to the dark, and finally ending the video to a bright light coming from up above.

I hope the lady who was responsible for the lesbian mummies and faggot ghosts is gone for good.
Yeah a cemetary somewhere with alder trees and autumn like on the cover art... Of course the filming style is very important too... if you're taking a photo of the coolest scene on the planet it doesn't make you a good photographer if your angle is uncreative.
I'm sure there are many artistic spots in every country out there, you just need to know one location.
Like when they were making Lord of the Rings movies they asked the citizens of New Zealand if they know some particularly special spot somewhere to film a scene. Point being you don't need to invent the desert (sandbox) when there's already Sahara etc out there, you just need to drag your shit there, but no. I guess someone pre-analyzed it would be more profitable and fitting to save money and time by doing certain decisions they did.
Anyways it's in their hands but I'm just saying they should hire a really creative artist.
I'm hoping that shovel knockout or roundtrip will have the album background on the leafs and the whole thingy there,it should be cool :)
I agree on your idea, and imo it cant be hard to find a gloomy grave yard somewhere, only probem is to get hold of the apropriate ok's for the session to take place
But thats just traditional redtape practice i guess. I say go for a cementary location/environment guys!
Ok, the video consists of live footage and critters. Not bad. But I'd still have gone with my idea of shamans tripping with mushrooms on a night campfire.
they should check the forum more often if they need ideas

Well I think the band has little contribution to the video ideas... This one was decent, no-risk, and fairly cheap, it's the live performance with just a little spice added. I actually wrote a good deal of good ideas but deleted cos I don't feel comfortable opening up so much when no-one's listening.
What the fuck kind of video was that? :lol: Not bad, but totally average and pretty much useless, I didn't even feel like I was watching a music video, more like some weird fan-made youtube video. I wonder why most (mainstream) metal bands do videos anyway, since they are all the same playing-in-garage-crap and totally pointless. I understand the importance of even totally mediocre and "useless" music videos in the 80's when there was no internet, and you could see the videos only on MTV, but nowadays? And still music videos were a lot better in the 80's (and music in general anyway) :(