Whats the deal with Metalcore?


Jan 5, 2004
Tauranga, New Zealand
I've noticed that many people on this board have a very strong distaste for Metalcore? Why is this? I think bands like Between the Buried and Me, The Red Chord, (old) Cave In and Norma Jean have created some of the best and most creative heavy music in recent years.
Hahaha listen to those bands I listed above and youll find they are anything but generic. Seriously I'd say theyre far more interesting than most of the death and black metal being made these days
The genre itself is pretty generic as a whole, not much can really excite me out of it.
I could probably listen to a few bands of the genre but it definately wouldn't be an obsessive thing for me because there's just much better music waiting to be discovered and plus, I'm 16 and I haven't covered the classics fully yet.
So those bands you mentioned I could like and get into but my thoughts on the genre itself won't change.
I hate the scene and image associated with it, above all. The whole idea of bastardizing the metal genre by crossing it with breakdowns from hardcore don't appeal to me either. The genre as a whole is just treading ground that metal covered back in the 80s, crossed with more modern, rhythmic, screamo elements that the kids can get into, hence giving it a wider commercial appeal than straight metal.

Not my thing.
But seriously have you actually listened to those bands I have listed above? I don't really see much of a connection to the whole '80s thing...unless my view of Metalcore is something totally different to yours.
Cheep sloppy imitation of metal. It's metal but without talent really. Just go and listen to Heaven Shall Burn (band) and you'll understand what i mean.

It's not Avenged Sevenfold, they're just metal these days. Their last labum was so Maiden/early Metallica and you could tell, anyhow i liked it. Trivium...well they're just really average.

I like metal and i like some hardcore punk, and i feel the two were already prefectly married in thrash metal. Why fuck with something if it isn't broke.
I'm not too familiar with those bands to be honest. But I highly recommend you download Between the Buried and me- Camilla Rhodes or The Red Chord- Nihilist to see what my definition of the genre is.
Some, sure. But wouldn't that just make them metalcore?

There's probably some point (an album or a band) where it's really hard to distinguish between the two. But for the time being i'd like to think that i'd no metalcore from metal.
most of my friends listen to Metalcore. with these subgenres, comes a whole load of others. Apparently the genre changes when they have some guy screaming and it becomes screamcore or something stupid. Any one can play Metalcore because it is Unfinished metal. If you run into a problem within the song and cant think of anything to come next just put a break down or stop everything and let the guitar on the left/right speaker start doing another completely different 'shredding' riff and start up again. Ive listened to all of those bands you said, and they all sound very very similar. Its a shame really because kids these days should be listening to good music.
You know what I found funny? People at Opeth concerts wearing Norma Jean shirts.

Sounds of the Underground pulled a lot of new Opeth fans... and of course...

Opeth > Norma Jean