What's the last CD you listened to?

it's closer to blueberry boat than the other albums but a lot of songs have a "darker" feel to them, for lack of a better description
What's the release date? I'm a bit old fashioned in that I don't usually want to hear anything off a new album until I actually buy it.


So god damn the best thing Claypool has done since Pork Soda. And that includes the lovely Oysterfuck.

One of J.'s truly great recs from back in the day. Did I miss something, or does the vocalist from FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM sing on track 4?!?!?
Conspicuously Absent said:
quit stealing my fucking ideas Cthulu. First the lointcloth and now the CD!!!
haha, well i thought them up on my own so uh...quit stealing MY ideas...pre-emptively...:lol:

just listened to

and i just FINALLY (i've been waiting excitedly all week) received


in the mail, so i've got some listening ahead of me yet :headbang:

while i study for my history midterm :erk: