What's the last CD you listened to?


I can't believe how fucking great this album is. Why on earth had I never heard about Sigrblot before two weeks ago?!?!?
MadeInNewJersey said:
Ellestin, you should zip & upload that whole album for me (because I refuse to support their/his beliefs/actions with a single U.S. penny). Thanks. :)
lmao but graveland is fine?

you = the biggest hypocrite on the forum

just sayin'
How are Sigrblot and Graveland even remotely similar in what they stand for?

So I'm a hypocrite because I don't give a fuck about race issues, but do give a fuck about an "artist" who applauds & ridicules a tragedy that occured 5 miles from my house and killed several people I know?

Fuck you Erik.
Then please explain it to me. I know the gist of Graveland, and I know the gist of Sigrblot. I don't see the similarities. So get off your fucking high horse for a change, and speak in plain, simple, explanatory sentences. Or don't, but then shut the fuck up, mmmkay? Good.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Then please explain it to me. I know the gist of Graveland, and I know the gist of Sigrblot. I don't see the similarities. So get off your fucking high horse for a change, and speak in plain, simple, explanatory sentences. Or don't, but then shut the fuck up, mmmkay? Good.
you seriously don't think that rob darken wants to see ZOG america consumed in fire? he was probably celebrating with mead and wenches all fucken day 11/9 2001. and NO i do NOT think you know the gist of what sigrblot thinks about anything
a) you're assuming Rob Darken wants that; he's never come right the fuck out and said it
b) I have a decent idea what Sigrblot thinks, since the main guy is Nemtheanga's best friend pretty much, and we spoke at length about it

So, you were saying?
Rob Darken said:
11. What are your opinions about the whole acts of islamic terrorism these last years? What is your opinion on these men that can sacrifice themselves for a cause?

Sacrificing one's life for the freedom and well-being of others is a part of Polish culture and tradition. Many Polish heroes fought and died in the name of higher values. These historical events are described in novels, poems, movies etc. Famous Michal Wolodyjowski blew himself up in as he did not want to surrender the fortress he protected to Turks. There are many stories about heroic deaths from the times of fight against communists and nazi occupation. Many Polish partisans died in a suicidal missions. So if I am to comment Islamic terrorism, I cannot forget these Polish heroes. I was brought up on stories about Japanese soldiers, about kamikaze dying on war on the Pacific Ocean. Kamikaze was a holy soldier for me. At down, in the light of a rising Sun, after a ritual farewell they left into the death's arm, proud and overflowed with sacrifice…they become a history, a legend, a sign of the times they lived. Such people give reasons to treat their nation and culture as worthy of respect, admiration and of our memory.

I perfectly understand the reasons these people die in the name of Islam today. And I am terrified by the ignorance of the Western countries. Western politicians underestimate the idea of suicidal death for the freedom. Each of those men that sacrifice himself for a cause, gives strength and will to those who live. They become the part of Islamic culture…the heroes of Islam. And what Western countries do? What our politicians do to stop it? To protect Western countries citizens? They attack those fighter with superficial propaganda nonsense. And at the same confirm those Islamic fighters in the conviction that they are right. Such situation deepen the conflict and mutual incomprehension. How one can fight against something he does not understand? Muslims do not come to fight in our Western countries only because they do not have anything more interesting to do. They come because Zionism does them harm. They come to take revenge. The Middle East countries are rotting. The Middle East countries are eaten away by the lethal disease called Israel. This disease causes all conflicts. The development is suppressed. And people from Islamic countries come to Europe searching for better life and freedom. This is the bill we have to pay for false and misguided politics in that region. The bill for blind and liege support of Israel.
iti, we symphathize with islam terrorism
OK listen people, I haven't listened to this album, forget I ever brought it up, and please love each other kthxbye.

(actually it's the first time I spot the 9/11 reference on the cover)
MadeInNewJersey said:
a) you're assuming Rob Darken wants that; he's never come right the fuck out and said it
b) I have a decent idea what Sigrblot thinks, since the main guy is Nemtheanga's best friend pretty much, and we spoke at length about it

So, you were saying?
i was saying you still don't have a fucken clue dude


if you do NOT see why almost every NS band on the planet will wholeheartedly support the attacks on WTC then you are fucking deluded to no end

let me spell it out in capital letters for you and you can do the math



IOfTheStorm said:
Btw the first time i saw that Sirgblot cover, i just thought that it is a reference to the Apocalypse (towers of Babylon etc), not 9/11.
eh, it IS a 9/11 reference

Sigrblot said:
The obliteration of the World Trade Centre is multi-faceted and highly symbolic. It was a strike at the rotting foundation of the financial dementia that drives the materialist world and the people who obey its golden rules. It was a profoundly symbolic attack on what the WTC represents, and how its false hierarchy of wealth assists millions of ordinary citizens into slavery, subjugating them to a brutal, meaningless life in a world of relentless over-Industrialisation and vacuous specialisation.
Erik said:
i was saying you still don't have a fucken clue dude


if you do NOT see why almost every NS band on the planet will wholeheartedly support the attacks on WTC then you are fucking deluded to no end

let me spell it out in capital letters for you and you can do the math




I can see that link, and almost understand it; it's my personal interpretation of NS that simply doesn't (much) include the Zionist or Jewish aspects. I think more in terms of race purification and preserving the Norse (right word? don't know) culture & race.

Again, Darken has always danced around the issue. Sigrblot has been very outspoken in its glee re: the U.S.A. "getting theirs."

Here's another nice image Sigrblot likes to promote:

Yeah, that one leaves a lot to the imagination. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: