What's the last CD you listened to?

i'm not saying sigrblot wouldn't like to see capitalism and america dead, i am saying every NS band (and sigrblot is not even NS) wants pretty much the same, and that you are an utter hypocrite for walking around in graveland shirts and buying 30 of their albums!
MadeInNewJersey said:

haha awesome. i like how a lot of the criticisms levelled at the West by Sigrblot et al. are perfectly valid, yet they choose to resort to such extremist means that most will simply dismiss them anyways. I see it as analogous to the difference between beating your children when they misbehave and teaching them WHY you don't like what they did in the first place.
also. there is a DIRECT LINK between what has been destroying germanic/nordic culture or ANY european culture for that matter and what america is today. america is symbolic of everything wrong with the world today to someone with an well-argued NS type worldview, in that it is the stronghold of christianity & capitalism, the exact things that are destroying what is ours, and also that it supports israel, the stronghold of judaism and zionism, which ain't exactly helping.

if you think that national socialists are going to turn against muslims because muslims attack WTC (common knee jerk reaction -- sandniggers kill a bunch of mostly white people, so the nazis must be furious with the muslims huh?) you need to think again. an enemy of the enemy is an ally -- and when we're fighting against worldwide christianization, americanization and capitalization, the muslim is our ally, or at least the side a national socialist is far more likely to symphathize with, because they have to fight the west and israel daily to preserve what is theirs. MUSLIMS are no THREAT to us. i know of a swedish NS group that actually volunteered to go down to iraq and fight on the iraqi side against americans.
MadeInNewJersey said:
good luck with that fight against capitalism et al.

I'm sure it'll go real well for you.

Anyone who gave up fighting for what they believed in for this reason is a fuckin moron anyhow so what does it matter?
MadeInNewJersey said:
good luck with that fight against capitalism et al.

I'm sure it'll go real well for you.
yeah ha ha ha sarcastic remarks sure work well when you have nothing left to say to someone far more well argued and informed than yourself huh? i'm just explaining why you are supporting people who applaud 9/11 already. have fun with your graveland shirt, never forget
not sure what you're trying to imply, but i never intended to say that. what i DID say, though, still stands, and is fair enough. i don't expect you to agree, but i'm not trying to piss you off either. take it or leave it.
no.. you misunderstand. remove the question mark if you wish! let's try that again

imo everyone should agree with me because i'm always right!
MadeInNewJersey said:
i listen to you when you offer rationale thought*; other times? not so much

* my definition of rationale thought, not yours
yeah exactly

and your definition of rational thought = anything that agrees with what you're already thinking