What's the last CD you listened to?

Erik said:
You say there is nothing left in this world worth fighting for
Nothing left in this world worth dying for

This is a lie.

There is so much to fight for, so much to die for
There is one true enemy in this world:

I wish man, I really do. I'm a realist, and I realize that no matter what anyone SMART does, America is going to continue in the exact fashion that it is now. I'm doing my part to fight by studying environmental earth science so I can work for the ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH. I'll do whatever good I can, try to enjoy my life, and when the end comes (in whatever form) I will embrace it happily.

edit: I guess the first half of this post totally contradicts the second half, but you get my idea.
Oh holy shit Thanatopsis, I just noticed your signature! :lol:

Looks like you and I have a bit more in common than originally thought.
grazim said:
I'm seriously considering this as well. Doing bio at the moment, but I'll probably try for a double major if possible.

Fucking do it man... as far as I'm concerned, the only real way to help the Earth is to educate yourself about it and work in whatever way you can to turn things around.

I'm making myself look like a big fucking hippie, but I don't care. At least I started wearing deoderant again.
MFJ said:
Oh holy shit Thanatopsis, I just noticed your signature! :lol:

Looks like you and I have a bit more in common than originally thought.

You just now noticed? :lol: That's been in my sig for a long time. Though I guess it is pretty unassuming. I don't have it there as a joke either. I'm a serious volunteer
Thanatopsis123 said:
You just now noticed? :lol: That's been in my sig for a long time. Though I guess it is pretty unassuming. I don't have it there as a joke either. I'm a serious volunteer

I'm definitely too young to make a decision concerning whether or not I will have children, but at this time I definitely support the decision of "NO" for many reasons (including what VHEMT supports). My mind might change, who knows. I suppose having a child who supports my ideas would be awesome, but then again why would I breed to force something into a certain lifestyle? There's always the chance that your kid will end up a wigger too, and that's even worse.
MFJ said:
I suppose having a child who supports my ideas would be awesome, but then again why would I breed to force something into a certain lifestyle? There's always the chance that your kid will end up a wigger too, and that's even worse.
it would be your god damn duty as a parent to teach him to live as you think life should be lived

Learn to read and understand
The signs to few can clearly vision
Listen carefully to what
The Ravens has to say

Oh, hear the Thunder's roar
Greetings from our fathers long time gone
Tell so that no one ever will forget
What is in heart goes from Father to Son

Oh, watch the lightning strike
Feel the powers of the Hammer's pounding on
Take it to your heart and understand
What must live on from Father to Son

Promise me my son to always
Cherish what is home to you
What is the truth and to
Defend all of your race

Never lose the values
I have taught to you
Always keep your moral and ideals
Do never bring your flag disgrace

Promise me my son before my corpse
Is turning pale to
Grab my sword hold it to the sky
And call out my hail

Listen for the bronze horns
Watch the lightning strike then
You know I have reached Oden's end
Of my warrior's trail

Oh, my child please take heed
Through you I am granted to live on
These words more worth than you will ever know
Make them live on from Father to Son
