What's the last CD you listened to?


You shall have a PM heading your way at this rate. It's always depressing when I think about all the shit I have to replace that I used to own (like the first four Kreator albums) that were on tape or vinyl and were lost to the ravages of adolesence and sun-heated dashboards.

This one is still a mega-keeper, still scares the poop outta me. Probably the only black metal album I can listen to in the hot weather, unless you count Enslaved - Below the Lights & Monumension, Taake - Nattestid, Sunn O))) - Black One, and Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse (yes, I listen to this in warm weather, don't ask). Hmm. Apparently it is one of several I still enjoy during warm weather BUT STILL. It fucking rocks, and is up there with those masterworks.