What's the most stupid thing you've done while drunk ?

Dance. :Spin:

Oh and somehow I always end up at the wrong end of the line when getting on public busses at winter alone and drunk, the bus drivers must've come to the conclusion that drunks learn their lesson better if they're not awaken until as far away as possible from where they want to be :erk: . And I'm usually so pissed (at them too) that I don't want to get on their bus again. Drunken sense of logic.

At a party at the university some time ago, my mate put on half a set of handcuffs when we had crashed the party at the philosophy institute, they claimed it was a prop for some plays they had done, but I qwas dead sure it was some kind of philosphical experiment of who would be stupid enough, anyway no key. We were all very helpful thinking that if we tightened it hard enough it would automatically open (dunno where it came from but it wasn't badly intended as far as I know), te poor guy ended up going to the hooker street of Copenhagen, thinking they had to know how to get handcuffs off, he was right.
danced together with 2 girls to a Wolfsheim song in a bar (that was in Greece), I usually never dance... and also not with girls haha ;)

thats the latest stupid drunk thing I remember but I'm sure there are some others as well...
heheeh the biscuit game thats what i was talking about that time when we were discussing jacking off....
anyway, drunk antics, lemme see - sparring, starjumps and jogging round the room to eye of teh tiger in the metal room in the krazyhouse and relentlessly trying to skank to everysong played - even doom, i can never pull it off but one day i shall
Christ, where to begin?

One time I was getting drunk in a graveyard with some girl. She said she had to go pee and went off behind this large tombstone. I snuck up behind her and shouted fucking "BOO!". She got kinda mad and ran back to her car (mind you she was a lacross athlete and I am not such a good runner with New Rock's on) and took off, leaving me in a giant graveyard 5 miles away from my car, with a bunch of empty bottles and patrol cars circling the area.

A year ago I had this party and my roommates friends were stealing my beers after I had instructed them not too. So I started drinking as fast as I could so they couldn't get any, something like 16 beers in 2 hours, plus a half bottle of rum and some vodka shots. I tried standing up and fell into the door causing the doorknob to put a giant hole in the wall, then I vomited all over the floor and passed out to the words "Shaun's out!".

After another marathon drinking binge, I fell into the wall at my friends apartment and smacked my head quite hard. Then I passed out and had some delusion that there were 3 soldiers at the door telling me I had to evacuate the building as there was a bomb in it. I took off in my car, somehow ended up at a payphone where I called my friend to warn him about the bomb. Guess I was feeling guilty about leaving him behind to be blown up by my imaginary explosives. He told me I was a retard.

I got really drunk at the pub and tried fighting a group of mexican artists as they were vandalizing the place. I won. Mexican artists aren't good fighters.

I once woke up laying on someone's porch with my belt missing.

I'm gonna end here.
Don Corleone said:
hahahaha just last night, i was out with my friends (best and filthy sanchez included)...i got pretty drunk towards the end of the night. sanchez, in the morning reminded me that i tried to climb a pole or something haahahhhaaha

i do really stupid things when im drunk.

exactly three years ago, again with the same people as yesterday, i was out drinking (to be precise, we were at the same restaurant as the one we were at yesterday). i got drunk as fuck and puked. later, these assholes that i call friends put me onto the minibus and left me all alone to go home. well, i paid the driver and closed my eyes. now, let me remind you, i was in a minibus when i closed my eyes.

when i opened my eyes, i was in a cab in front of my house. now how the hell did that happen?

You were trying to climb up to a pole a huge ruffles thing was attached to.

And for that night 3 years ago, i wasnt there and thats whats gonna happen if you hang around without me.
dancing with girls, fucking with idiots, foursome, taking my shirt off on the street, drinking shower gel, fighting with ppl or buildings, killing myself, throwing food off the window, telling the truth - typical stupid things. :D But its all the past. Im not a drinker any more.
all of yous. why do you have to act stupid like? i just sit down cos i know i'll act stupid oitherwise. thats what i mean.
Smashed about 30 big pumpkins in my neighbourhood at halloween night 2 or 3 years ago (after a vodka and genever drinking session that is). It's absolutely fucking AMAZING we didn't get caught cos we were too drunk to do it subtle. Smashing pumpkins was a common thing back then though, I didn't need to be drunk to do it :) We've never reached that 30 in one hour again though. Oh fuck the street was fucking messy. (not actually the streets, we smashed all of them on a path that connects streets).

Hmm... 2 years ago I was studying architecture. On a friday, 2 mates went to visit me in school at noon, so the 2 hours after midday I spent with them, drinking passion fruit genever and skipping sports. Afterwards I went back for the last 2 hours of the day: technical drawing :ill: I've never made such a fuckin ugly thing in my life, I never wanna be drunk again at school. The good thing is, the teacher wasn't angry :)

Oh and I remember that at some weekly gathering of young people at a park, late at night during summer holiday, me and 2 of my friends got totally wasted and I dressed up like some fucked up freak, we had a blanket with us to sit on, I hung it at my back so I would look like Batman, and I had my goofy helmet on my head (from my cross moto) and me and me mate ran around the whole park yelling fuckin loudly and ended up playing utterly silly games at a big playground and hurting quite a few people (yeh we also had a stick with us). When I think about it... I'm a bit embarassed :)

Once me and me 2 mates tried to steal removable traffic lights (they were working at the street and had to place temporary ones). The only problem was that our town's police chief lived in the house right in front of that traffic light, HA HA, big mistake :ill: Only my friend ended up getting a fine though haha I still tease him about it.

Damn, all these things happened at least 2 years ago, since then, nothing happened anymore, I usually become very calm now when I drink.