What's the most stupid thing you've done while drunk ?

sol83 said:
all of yous. why do you have to act stupid like? i just sit down cos i know i'll act stupid oitherwise. thats what i mean.

recently, i have developed a habit of crying when i am drunk, i dont do stupid or wild things when i get drunk
best said:
recently, i have developed a habit of crying when i am drunk, i dont do stupid or wild things when i get drunk

It's happened to me too, a couple of times or maybe more a few years ago, but I was a total fuck-up at that time to quote Danny and I had a lot lot lot on my mind and I had always mixed booze with weeds. I remember once, I voluntarily locked myself up into the bathroom, because i was feeling threatening towards others and myself and I spent 4 hours like crying, hitting the ground and the walls and whining alone like a cunt. Now this kind of things don't happen anymore. Well the other night I've had a doom phase after having drunk too much but not such a bad trip :ill:
cedarbreed said:
It's happened to me too, a couple of times or maybe more a few years ago, but I was a total fuck-up at that time to quote Danny and I had a lot lot lot on my mind and I had always mixed booze with weeds. I remember once, I voluntarily locked myself up into the bathroom, because i was feeling threatening towards others and myself and I spent 4 hours like crying, hitting the ground and the walls and whining alone like a cunt. Now this kind of things don't happen anymore. Well the other night I've had a doom phase after having drunk too much but not such a bad trip :ill:

good that its gone now, but i dont know what to do for myself:confused:
best said:
good that its gone now, but i dont know what to do for myself:confused:

Well avoid drinking too much and avoid mixing alcohol with weeds at all costs (just in case you're used to doing it). Are u going through hard times these days ? I think it was the cause of it for me. Now that I'm a little less of a fuck-up, I don't have bad trips anymore when I drink.
cedarbreed said:
Well avoid drinking too much and avoid mixing alcohol with weeds at all costs (just in case you're used to doing it). Are u going through hard times these days ? I think it was the cause of it for me. Now that I'm a little less of a fuck-up, I don't have bad trips anymore when I drink.

yeah, i am goin through a little rough time these days, may fav song recently is "last night i dreamt that somebody loved me" :erk: quess itll pass someday. thanx for your advice
best said:
yeah, i am goin through a little rough time these days, may fav song recently is "last night i dreamt that somebody loved me" :erk: quess itll pass someday. thanx for your advice
Oi! That is a truly great song, dude!
Sorry, I've no proper advice to you even tho I've gone through my share of bad times as well. Very bad, mind you. Take it easy, cry it out and don't feel ashamed for feeling miserable. One day you somehow, in a twisted way, miss some of those bad times. honestly, haha. Watch Swingers as well. Great movie, worked for me :)
the most idiotic thing that i did was sleeping on the streets in london, it was damn cold, and i had just a t-shirt and a vest

damn alcohol
Crack Hitler said:
Oi! That is a truly great song, dude!
Sorry, I've no proper advice to you even tho I've gone through my share of bad times as well. Very bad, mind you. Take it easy, cry it out and don't feel ashamed for feeling miserable. One day you somehow, in a twisted way, miss some of those bad times. honestly, haha. Watch Swingers as well. Great movie, worked for me :)

thanx crack hitler, i could always cry out to Don or Sanchez but then we become a group which pulls each other down the drain, we did it before and i am pretty sure that itll be the same this time too. Films help you actually, films like man who wasnt there. Ill try to see swingers too. Also i wanna watch rumble fish, did you see that one?
I don't drink or drug anymore but i had a nasty habit of bringing dudes home to my bed, never strangers though, well some, but usually my friends or acquaintances. It was cool but really, one time I was sitting in the dining room of this place i worked and a bunch of other employees, (all who were in the same social scene as me), and some other people I knew, eleven guys in all and we were all talking and it suddenly hit me that I'd slept with nine of them. You know, that was just one incident where i noticed this. Funny though, I've never caught a thing from anyone. That's where I would have been stupid if i wasn't as careful as I was, even drunk.
Now I'm married and celebate. :(

P.s. let me add that most of that behavior was after a break up with a guy after eight years with him. I was in a not so great space for quite a few years after.
nomana-nuniyan said:
i had a nasty habit of bringing dudes home to my bed, never strangers though, well some, but usually my friends or acquaintances. It was cool but...

eh, this is something that has happened to me ehem..few times too..it can be dead fun and all..still id prefer a longterm relationship with regular sex...

oih, now i said too much../innocent mode on

im still virgin!
something nasty when you are drunk is to drink even more.a friend of mine comparing pot and drinking suggested that when you wake up in the morning,drinking is much worse,whereas the after pot morning is brilliant on all aspects.
i've been a good lad while pissed, compared to others at least!

i remember a mate of mine told me that he found a dead seagul while pissed and the next morning his mum find him and the seagul in his bed, together! :lol: