What's the Scene like in your area?

I'm from Sunderland in NE England. Our scene up here used to be vibrant a long time ago, we had acts like The Who, Led Zeppelin and Motorhead come to us. We lost all that when Mrs Thatcher took away the mines and shipyards, essentially taking Sunderland off the map. Now we're just a shitty little postindustrial city 12 miles south of Newcastle.

In the last few years the scene's picked up though, The Future heads who I know are trying to crack the states come from my home city, I’ve danced with them in clubs and stuff before, it's not a big deal since I'm not much of a fan of them, but just up the coast is where Maximo Park come from and they're awesome.

A couple of years ago everyone stated setting up promotions companies, following in footsteps of a mate of mine who I ended up working for, promoting gigs and writing reviews of bands on his forum. It got to the point where there were too few bands to play the number of nights that were be put on by different promoters. But we've still got some up here like Insangel13 and Black Glass, and a lot of my mates took their own promo companies to different cites when they went to uni.

I've a few mates who are in bands, some since they were 13 and 14, others more recently. Here, just like everywhere else the emo/hardcore scene took off about a year ago, I'm 18 so I’d grown out of wearing all the black clothes and daft haircuts a few years earlier. As much as they're scenesters it's nice to see these kids take an interest in what's going on in their local music.

We've a load of different types of bands, a lot of garage rock and emo/hardcore. Some of them are good, but just like any kind of music a lot untalented people have seen how popular it's getting and just jumped on the train without first learning how to perform and play.

Other than that, we've a one band who some of my best mates are in and have been since they were about 14. I doubt they'll make it now, if they were going to at all it would have been a year or two back. They're sort post emo punk rock, either way they're still a good band. They get gigs with the American groups who come to play Newcastle uni or the Carling academy. I saw them there with Hidden in Plain View a couple of weeks back.

Lately we've started getting more metal bands, I think it's with the a lot of kids getting into the thriving metalcore scene, they've started to get into the heavier less punky stuff. A mate of mine has a theory that metal is making a come back in the next year or so. Anyhow recently we've had the emergence of bands like Zero who are just pure thrash which is lovely.

We also have bands like Gorezilla (stupid name I know) who play a sort of gore metal and Wodensthrone "True cult black metal hailing from North East England, Inspired by tales of old of their druid ancestors". Silly but very fun to watch. A lad who I know who writes for Terrorizer is the drummer for both bands.

Some of the better-known metal bands hail from up here as well; I’ve seen Death In Blood twice up here with a mate of mine on drums. He is a fucking powerhouse, arms the size of my head. Tiny PA but the heaviest band I’ve ever seen, and I’ve see Motorhead.

So at the moment our scene is mainly Garage rock indie type stuff and emo/hardcore just like nay area it's got it's talented bands and it's not so talented one. My friend who's promo company I worked fors forum went down a while ago and, as it was the primary way that a lot of people kept up with what was going on in the scene, it's been really difficult lately. He's putting it back up in the next few weeks.

As I said, a lot of the promo companies (the 161 collective for example) moved down south with their owners when they re located. So hopefully when the forum goes back and we start promoting gigs again we can get some really good bands up here again. And there won't be too many people fighting to put on the same bands. That was what killed our scene a few months back.

Overall our scene up here is good. It'll be better once we get the forum up and running again and promoting gigs but at least now the market is clear for us to do so. Plus it finally means people know where and when the gigs are on. With luck we'll be getting some more homegrown talent within the next couple of years.
FRUGiHOYi said:
i guess here in orlando, fl it's indie/punk/emo/core music and rap.

yup :erk:

Gainesville also has an electronic music scene that seems pretty healthy. Mostly modern hard rock, and some death/black metal (very scarce though). Since mostly preps go to my school, its indie/alternative/pop thats big around here (not even 'core' lol).
In my town a lot of people listen to rap and country:erk: , but I really don't pay any attention to those people.
But a lot of my freind listen to System of a Down, Slipknot, Korn, etc.
and others listen to a bunch of emo shit.
I've got some of my freinds into death metal, though.:rock:
good scene here lots of shows
motorhead last night (killer set)
dream theater friday
OPETH next tues
Kreator next thurs

we also get big stuff likethe stones

fun to go out get smashed and kick ass ha ha:Smokin:
Ottawa is full of business men and rich brats - Metal is pretty much underground - mind you i don't get out too often so i wouldn't know bets. But i'm only 2hours from Montreal which is a huge metal scene.
My town is lame as hell. Only about 800 people and they all either listen to country, rap or emo :rolleyes:

The only people I've met with similar taste in music I've met online.
I'm from Bendigo in Victoria, Aus and it's full of emo/metalcore and radio pop mainstreamers. Simple Plan, Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani... even my mates listen to it. The metal scene around here is moderately healthy though... I know a few people who listen to Opeth, but they're all mid 20's so that trend is for the older ones. There's only one half decent band I know of from Bendigo, and that's Beneath Ruins. Melbourne (150km south), has a really good metal scene happening apparently, but ask Moonlapse or somebody for more detail on that one.
I used to hold really similar opinions to a lot of you, I had real think about it though. Look, yes 90% of the music these kids listen to is rubbish, but the same is true of music in general. I didn't listen to a lot of the music that got me into metal for a long long time, claiming I'd grown out of. I flicked on "Hybrid Theory" the other day and you know what that album is still awesome.

I was born in '87 and my Mam was well into Sting and Tears for Fears and such, my dad was more into Zeppelin and The Who. When you're abut 15 you become a real musical snob looking for the most obscure shit possible and thinking that only your opinion on music matters and that anything that isn't underground and anything that is old is just shit. If any of you are in this stage at the moment then you'll grow out of it. Trust me your parents listen to some of the best music ever made.

Some of these kids are in stage one, just getting into music, some are in stage to (described above), and they'll grow out of both. The earliest stage teaches to appreciate stuff like rhythm and guitar harmonies and just how to pick out different instruments stage two teaches to take pride in your taste but sooner or later you'll take it too seriously and you'll realise with maturity that you should never do that.

A lot of us are probably now in stage 3, the point where you can say, for example "Yea I'm Opeth fan, I genuinely believe they're the best band in the world, you might want to check them out". It's about loving a band and having pride in you're taste but not taking it too seriously and never trying to force your opinion on others.

It's the best stage to be in, where your taste in music just widens to include almost everything, I've got a music folder on my PC which has Oasis, Nina Simone, Nile and the Backstreet Boys in it. At this point your taste in music become something you can be dammed proud of and you become one of those people who really does have something to say about music, but again never force your opinions on people.

All this metalcore stuff the kids are getting into at the moment is giving them a taste of what real metal's like. No doubt they'll continue to listen to metalcore and hardcore 'cause at the end of the day why wouldn't they? Some of this music rocks, but they'll also get into heavier stuff. No doubt they'll also get into softer and older stuff too.

Developing a taste in music is a process; don't write these kids off as idiots just because they currently listen to stuff you wouldn't choose to.
Very well said Powers. Growing up I always thought my dad listened to the worst stuff, now (I'm almost 19) I'm starting to realize that he listens to the stuff that influenced what I now listen to, and for the most part I very much enjoy his tastes. His favorite band is King Crimson.

Around here, the majority of teens are into emo stuff, but I suppose thats the case most places. I wish that god damn fad would die out already. I don't know anyone else in person that listens to Opeth, but theres at least one local american style death metal band, so theres some (albeit underground) metal interest. Agalloch is from here as well.

Here's the only myspace of a local band that I can find right now:

Up here in Seattle...

The metal scene here is very vibrant. In certain months, we get huge masses of heavy metal bands coming in, but some times, we'll have dry spells.

This is pretty much consistent through out most of the year. I've seen everybody I've wanted to see so far(except for the Devin Townsend Band... he NEVER stops on the west coast... unless he plays in Vancouver. Fucking Canadians... lol).

This next month is going to be pretty good as far as metal goes. We're getting Black Dhalia Murder in the middle of April, but in the beginning of the month, we have Arch Enemy, Nevermore, Hate Eternal, Morbid Angel, Krisiun, Behemoth... lots of good music. Later this summer, I hear we're supposed to be having Slayer, Children of Bodom, and possibly Strapping Young Lad(if they finish their album in time) and even more possibly, Into Eternity. Even more excitingly, Celtic Frost is coming in October. Even with this consistent amount of bands coming in, I still haven't seen a show since early February when Sonata Arctica came in(and before that, Nile in January).