Whats up with all the locked threads lately :S?

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I'm glad I've made your night slightly better.

Please try not to forget, however, that Black Blood is hiding in your closet! SPOOOOKY.

Haha, hardly!!
^haha, hey there's some new pics of me in the GMD thread Zephyrus, check it out. It's actually a Terrell Owens jersey but a few people got confused too in real life.
^Fuck yeah! Well, I can't really tell the difference in Asian subgroups so I can't really say which one I like the best.

Japanese girls are very cute... as other asians are also.. but don't ever date a thai girl bluewizard.. trust me.. they are psycho's lol i know from experience... sleep with them but don't ever tell them they are your gf.. that is the last mistake you will make... they are very clingy and flip out if you try to leave them.. and are very jealous.. worst then latina girls... put it that way... your better off with a japanese or chinese girl because they are shy by nature and less confrontational... watch out with korean girls as well they have tempers but not as bad as thai girls... thai girls are good in the sack though... :kickass:
Japanese girls are very cute... as other asians are also.. but don't ever date a thai girl bluewizard.. trust me.. they are psycho's lol i know from experience... sleep with them but don't ever tell them they are your gf.. that is the last mistake you will make... they are very clingy and flip out if you try to leave them.. and are very jealous.. worst then latina girls... put it that way... your better off with a japanese or chinese girl because they are shy by nature and less confrontational... watch out with korean girls as well they have tempers but not as bad as thai girls... thai girls are good in the sack though... :kickass:
What about girls who are half Asian and half white? I'm friends with one girl who is now but she turned me down. Did you go to Thailand? Any experience with Filipinos and their dark skin?:p
Actually the girl I asked out was half Korean and half white though she was and still is a shy not very outgoing person.
What about girls who are half Asian and half white? I'm friends with one girl who is now but she turned me down. Did you go to Thailand? Any experience with Filipinos and their dark skin?:p
Actually the girl I asked out was half Korean and half white though she was and still is a shy not very outgoing person.

I've never dated a half asian but would love to they look even more exotic imo... yes I went to thailand in Pattaya.. a party town... and i also dated a filipina... filipina's are gossips by nature and backstabbers but she wasn't.. she was a sweet person and so not the stereotypical filipina. she wasn't dark.. in fact thai girls tend to be darker then filipina's.... as for the half korean half white girl... her korean temper is hidden somewhere lol ...
^:lol: Unfortunately there's not many Asians at my college and generally they're taken, if the girl's a foreigner she's likely to have a forgeiner boyfriend, but I haven't become friends with any Asians girls unfortunately yet here. At my old high school there was only one girl considered Asian, the half Korean one I told you about but then again I graduated with 60 people in my senior class in a rural town.
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