whats with all the new people?

i think im still new, i joined in september..ya im still new..but everyday sense ive been on ive seen at the top of the corner where it shows "latest member joined" or w/e..a different name is always there...but ya
Yeah, I used the old board, too, but under a different name (that's cause I mainly used to harrass my brother). I like this one better 'cause it's easier to use.
I've always been Patric but if you're down with me you can called me Paddan which is uh, the toad. Hahah. Danskjävlar jag säger då det...
Nah you look fine as sweet applepie so don't complain! And that wasn't cause I'm a sleaze king which I very well may be, but it's actually true those words came from the heart!
Haha well ok if it makes you happy? Old Toad hahah I dunno man just sounds like a bad thing to call a woman much more a sis!
Hello all. Figured i'd introduce myself in this thread since it seemed fitting, and i don't want to piss anyone off with another "hello" thread. I realize the thread is a month old :/ but, I'll tell you why there are so many new people...cuz Amon Amarth kicks so much fucking ass!

I personally was never into death metal, although some of my closest friends love it. I was more of a classic rock kind of guy, Pink Floyd being my all-time favorite. But this summer my friend went to BB kings' to see his favorite band Testament, and he saw AA play. When he got back he told me i had to hear some of this bands music. I thought "oh great another cookie monster band"...little did I know my friend turned me onto a band that is now one of my favorite right next to Floyd. Anyway I'll stop rambling now. AMON AMARTH KICKS YOUR ASS!!!
asmallchild said:
Hello all. Figured i'd introduce myself in this thread since it seemed fitting, and i don't want to piss anyone off with another "hello" thread. I realize the thread is a month old :/ but, I'll tell you why there are so many new people...cuz Amon Amarth kicks so much fucking ass!

I personally was never into death metal, although some of my closest friends love it. I was more of a classic rock kind of guy, Pink Floyd being my all-time favorite. But this summer my friend went to BB kings' to see his favorite band Testament, and he saw AA play. When he got back he told me i had to hear some of this bands music. I thought "oh great another cookie monster band"...little did I know my friend turned me onto a band that is now one of my favorite right next to Floyd. Anyway I'll stop rambling now. AMON AMARTH KICKS YOUR ASS!!!

Well.... Great.... Cool.... Good for you..... welcompf...... i mean welcome....
I'm new, and I actually was completely unaware of Amon Amarth's recent US tour...goddamnit. I've listened to them for a few years now, I discovered them after stumbling across black metal. I usually don't post on music forums, only browsing them for tour information, but a few of the discussions here seemed interesting so I decided to delurk.