whats with all the new people?

well a good portion of ppl are gone now. thats good.... seem to have picked up a bunch of ppl stayin though. as long as we dont get 500 threads about "how tall are you" "im new, hails" the repetitive "where can i get/does anyone know where" threads "how much do you weigh?" "how fat are your nuts" and so on. cause it just gets annoyin.
Dead_Lioness said:
..or Leffe, Duvel, Stella Artois... there are so many good beers out there :D
geweldig man!
Yeah! I was at this bar in Maastrict and had like 16 of these Belgian motherfuckers, good shit!
Tomasz said:
whats with all the new people?

What people? The tour is done and gone and so are dozens of posts and kids. They're probably on e-bay now trying to sell picks and AA emptied beer cans.

trendy fagots

Yea stupid trendy fags. :/ I'm still here :D .
Amon Amarth forever!

Oh yea is it just me or is the Vs. the World album just better and better everytime you listen to it? I feel bad for the rest of my other AA albums, ever since i got Vs the World.
I'm also quite new. I think a few of you have noticed my sudden appearance from out of nowhere, well actually from Metallistan.
I found out about AA and this forum because I like the name of the band and the music too of course.
I now have 4 of their albums and I'm going to their gig in Belgium.
I think I'll check this forum once in a while.
I have noticed that there are a lot of posts about beer. I'm glad to read that some people know that Belgian beer is the best in the world!!