Whats with that chick on 'Uranium'?


Only reason I bring this up is because I found people on these boards watching that and headbangers ball, people started telling me both are really good shows for metal videos.

So I did watch both, the uranium and headbangers ball...all I can say is whoever told me that was a good source of metal video's should be shot, but I'm not posting this over at how bad the shows are.

But who is that chick on uranium? I mean has she any idea what metal really is, or is she just another 'gothic' girl who stopped listening to paula abdul and thinks raising fists and making the devil horns with her fingers is 'cool'?
HardSide said:
So I did watch both, the uranium and headbangers ball...all I can say is whoever told me that was a good source of metal video's should be shot, but I'm not posting this over at how bad the shows are.
I've never seen Uranium, but I've seen loads of good shit on Headbanger's Ball. Don't let the fact that you might have seen a Korn video or something turn you off immediately.
HardSide said:
Only reason I bring this up is because I found people on these boards watching that and headbangers ball, people started telling me both are really good shows for metal videos.

So I did watch both, the uranium and headbangers ball...all I can say is whoever told me that was a good source of metal video's should be shot, but I'm not posting this over at how bad the shows are.

But who is that chick on uranium? I mean has she any idea what metal really is, or is she just another 'gothic' girl who stopped listening to paula abdul and thinks raising fists and making the devil horns with her fingers is 'cool'?

Uranium mostly has nu-metal videos, which is one of the main reasons I've stopped watching it. They've had some things I've enjoyed like the New England Metal & Hardcore fest, which had interviews and videos from bands like Hate Eternal, Mastodon, Lacuna Coil, and the such. They've also had videos/interviews with Morbid Angel, Cattle Decapitation, Suffocation, and Napalm Death.
HardSide said:
But who is that chick on uranium? I mean has she any idea what metal really is, or is she just another 'gothic' girl who stopped listening to paula abdul and thinks raising fists and making the devil horns with her fingers is 'cool'?
You're pretty accurate with that statement.
i don't get your fancy music channels :(

but i've seen pics of the uranium chick and i've seen an episode or two... she's definitely NOT metal.
HardSide said:
But who is that chick on uranium? I mean has she any idea what metal really is, or is she just another 'gothic' girl who stopped listening to paula abdul and thinks raising fists and making the devil horns with her fingers is 'cool'?
Perfect description. And the show really isn't worth watching. She's not entertaining, and the videos are pretty mediocre most of the time.
a7r0phy said:
but i've seen pics of the uranium chick and i've seen an episode or two... she's definitely NOT metal.

If you've seen the show, you'll know that she tries too hard, and she just comes off as really stupid, and like one of the many cliche "goth" chicks that populate America's high schools (I think she's hot though :p, but that shouldn't be the reason why she's the host). The interviews she does are sometimes good, but it's rare to see a band worth seeing on the show. I don't expect (or want) to see Marilyn Manson, Static-X, Ill Nino, or Slipknot on a metal show, but they're what's popular, so... :(.
HardSide said:
But who is that chick on uranium? I mean has she any idea what metal really is, or is she just another 'gothic' girl who stopped listening to paula abdul and thinks raising fists and making the devil horns with her fingers is 'cool'?
I think she was into rap! She's one rotted looking pig! She looks like a fat slob
\m/ said:
I think she was into rap! She's one rotted looking pig! She looks like a fat slob



I think she's ok until she open her mouth. Like the other guy said, she tries WAY too hard. I think she's ok looking. Not sure how someone could think she's fat. Even if you think she has a pigface, she's not fat. Annoying as hell, but not fat. She is the main reason I watch it on video tape. I just fat forward the parts with her, commercials, and the shitty videos. It only takes me 10 minutes to watch it and I still get the one or two cool vids.
Shes a wanna-be. I mean come on... hosting 'Uranium' and 'IMX'. Dont match what so ever. She annoys the shit out of me...

P/s: She isnt HOTT!
abrasiverock said:
I think she's ok until she open her mouth. Like the other guy said, she tries WAY too hard. I think she's ok looking. Not sure how someone could think she's fat. Even if you think she has a pigface, she's not fat. Annoying as hell, but not fat.