What's worse?

What's the most embarrasing blemish on the face of metal?

  • Kiss

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Ripper-era Priest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flower Metal (Hammerfall, etc)

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • post Black album era Metallica (Load, St Anger)

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Deicide, Obituary, etc. ad nauseum

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Poison, Trixter, Pretty Boy Floyd, etc.

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters
wdiv said:
What the hell's wrong with Hammerfall?
Nothing, we just got some miserable buggers here :p

I opted for Metallica, cos I find those albums almost completely unlistenable. Everything else in that list is infinitely preferable to St Wanker.
Wyvern said:
I voted for post-Black (post AJFA for me) albums because those are mallcore IMO.

Except for St.Anger I can't hear mallcore in post-Black Metallica. :err:
My vote went for them because they were so cocky with their metalness and their constant bragging how they're no different from their fans yadda yadda...
Not to mention their refusal to shoot videos for the first three albums, because they thought that was a commercial move... Well, the smell of green obviously radically changes opinions... ;)

And mallcore is the WORST thing ever happened to metal (worst than modern black which I abhors, or glam that don't move me at all*)

Amen! ;)
SoundMaster said:
Now, you do realize that the Metallica fans will label you as a 'miserable bugger' for having the audacity to dislike their 90s output?! :D
Let them do so :devil: if anything can make a person miserable, it's 90s Metallica and the fact people are so easily conned into buying that junk! :Shedevil: :Smokedev:
recent Metallica may be disappointing, but it's definately better than Poison... c'mon!
All on the list except Obituary! So since I can only vote for one...KISS got my vote :lol:
wdiv said:
recent Metallica may be disappointing, but it's definately better than Poison... c'mon!
Noooooooooooooooooo!!! Poison pwn Metallica all the way...in the words of the latter, Sad But True :saint:
Obituary fucking rules. Deicide's early work rules as well.

Tim Owens-era Priest wasn't that bad, Jugulator was pretty good and Live Meltdown was fucking godly. Demolition...I'll just not speak about that.

Flower Metal blows.
SickBoy said:
Except for St.Anger I can't hear mallcore in post-Black Metallica. :err:
My vote went for them because they were so cocky with their metalness and their constant bragging how they're no different from their fans yadda yadda...
Not to mention their refusal to shoot videos for the first three albums, because they thought that was a commercial move... Well, the smell of green obviously radically changes opinions... ;)

Amen! ;)
a) You are right I may use mallcore too widely, but I meant "commercial oriented pop rock rock with a metal label for masses that don't discriminate" (you know what i meant)

b) you and me agree too much, people are going to think we think our answers in advance :lol:

c) @ Hawk: damn funny!

d) @ AW73: thanks for the point you made on black metal, that's why I put modern or newer in my post. I don't have an issue with Hellhammer, Venom or Bathory.
Well, I don't consider the hair bands "Metal" - and it irks me to NO end that they get called "Metal" by the mindless media :bah: , so I couldn't in good concience vote for that.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
SickBoy said:
That's exactly why I've removed the "endorsement" line from my sig :D
:lol: :Smokedev:

Does this song have a wonderful solo or what? :headbang: