What's you favorite 80s band that no longer plays?

How do you keep up with who's going to be playing?
Is there a local metal calendar?
I'm not sure,but I don't think Helloween is still alive.Their first 3 albums were awesome.Then I could recall bands like Infernal Majesty from Canada,or Stormwitch,Accept,and Darkness from Germany.They were awesome too.
The great Lizzy Borden.

Dude Lizzy Borden is alive & kicking!They just played the Sweden Rock festival and their newest video was just released their second video off their latest CD "Appointment with Death" which came out last year and almost got a Grammy nonination.Here;s the first video they released off the album

Helloween is still going too but I think they have only one original member.
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Riot are still going all though with only one original member.same with Hallow's Eve are still going here's a sampler clip from my TV show with an out take from an interview I did with them last year.the bass player was the only original member but I heard their old singer Stacy Anderson is back.Savage Grace aren't around any more as far as I know and I believe Savatage are still together.
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I'd like to see bay area thrash legends Vio-lence play again. Saw them several times when their first 2 albums came out, some of the most intense shows I've ever seen, looked like a pit onstage.

A couple other bands I'd like to see are Coroner, Blind Illusion, Mercyful Fate, Dark Angel, and Maiden w/ Di'anno on vocals.
Manowar....... I shouldn't say they don't play anymore, but not in the states. Europe gets everything....gggggrrrrr.

I would love to goto Europe, which I'm sure everyone on this board would agree that it would be amazing to see that culture and the crowd that loves metal as much as we do.
Krokus. Others mentioned would be Saxon, Riot, Accept, Metal Church, Triumph. Although some of these have recently played, they're more rare than a blue moon or sometimes playing in a foreign country. Original Def Leppard (I only like the first two albums and a couple songs on the third).
Manowar....... I shouldn't say they don't play anymore, but not in the states. Europe gets everything....gggggrrrrr.

I would love to goto Europe, which I'm sure everyone on this board would agree that it would be amazing to see that culture and the crowd that loves metal as much as we do.

You ain't seen a metal crowd till you've seen a European one!! :D :kickass:
Manowar....... I shouldn't say they don't play anymore, but not in the states. Europe gets everything....gggggrrrrr.

I would love to goto Europe, which I'm sure everyone on this board would agree that it would be amazing to see that culture and the crowd that loves metal as much as we do.

Yeah Us Brits think the same.

We have a poxy festrival download thats WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY too commercial and its like a list of who the record companies are sucking up to.

The European Festivals for metal are......extreme and show us all up.
I dont regard myself as European. I live on an Island :D