What's your current "I can't stop playing these songs" list?

Dainty Delusive Doll- Enslavement of Beauty

Ever since i heard this song, i can't stop listening to it because it's so amazing, shame on me for not discovering these guys earlier!

Great song, but they don't seem to be very well known, so there's no shame in taking some time to discover them. :) Maybe this will change with the release of the new album.
Great song, but they don't seem to be very well known, so there's no shame in taking some time to discover them. :) Maybe this will change with the release of the new album.

I can't seem to find Megalomania anywhere, these guys are absoloutely brilliant! So what about this new album? When's it due to come out?

Ps everybody should have at least one listen, check them out at: http://myspace.com/enslavementofbeauty
renaissance - trip to the fair
dungen - caroline visar vägen
brian eno/harold budd - first light
evoken - quietus
forgotten tomb - entombed by winter
can - halleluhwah
Brazil- The Philosophy of Velocity (all)

please go listen to this band, you wont regret it.
I absolutely can NOT stop playing John Cage - 4'33". Easily the most beautiful piece of music I've ever heard. I listened to it over and over again all last night while I was going to sleep.
Peter Gabriel - Moribund the Burgermiester
Bebop Deluxe - Sister Seagull
Gramophone Garden - Night Reflections
Kaleidoscope - The Sky Children
Mercyful Fate - Black Funeral