What's your fav band dvd?

Pyrus said:
I really need to get that. I have the CD, and I bow before it, as should all mere mortals.
Bow to this ...


... :rock:
Pantera sucks, true. But I can't agree on Kreator. No better music for getting through elementary school (that's when I got into them in the eighties, yeah I'm old)

I personally will always love Emperial Live Ceremony most because it's like getting to relive seeing Emperor live again.
NdX, yeah the Pantera dvd is funny.
"Marshalllllllllll" (with the fake arm). Or "Big Val". haha
And yes, 'Emperial Live Ceremony' is great. [thumbsup]8)
two things...

Pancakes has officially owned this thread with his random posts of the same exact thing...

and also... i've heard Violent Revolution by Kreator, good song, but nothing too great, then again, it's older than most things... so i stand neutral on that.