Whats your favorite band after SymphonyX??

Originally posted by azal
about Conception.....

"Flow" is on my top 20 of all time....
the others are kinda regular prog/power....Flow was unlike anything else....
completely original sound. great, tight songs, masterful production, tasty use of electronics, and Khan's most emotive performance ever.

The other two are excellent but "The Last Sunset" is just an awful CD imo.

"We're building a force!!"

In Your Multitude is their best in my opinion simply because of the S/T song. That is my favorite song of all time and is anything but regular. Like i said Flow was good, but didnt have the emotion some of the others had.

The Last Sunset is an excellent disc as well. I originally didnt like it, but i went back listening to the songs after a while and most of them blew me away. And i can ignore the rediculous lyrics to "We're Building a Force" because it is METAL :grin: and has great vocal melodies. The songs i absolutely love on that cd are all of em. Especially "Among the Gods"
The best:

Dream Theater
Iron Maiden & Bruce Dickinson's solo stuff

Other bands I either love or am falling in love with:

Angel Dust (if they work things out, I'll be VERY happy)
Symphony X
Blind Guardian
Vanden Plas
hmm.. sx isnt really my fave ;)
anyway it's a tie race between dream theater, kamelot and sonata arctica. well, maybe pain of salvation and evergrey too.
My fav bands besides symphony are:adagio,evergrey,planet x,control denied,meshuggah,death,nevermore,aryeon,dream t,kamelot,lots of fusion bands and the list goes on.
Symphony X isn't my top band, but they're in my top 10 :).

Pain of Salvation
Dream Theater
Porcupine Tree

Those bands are all above Symphony X, and Sympony X is right below there with 3 or so other bands tied.
Dream Theater
Symphony X
Iced Earth
Slayer (up to seasons in the abyss)
Pain of Salvation, even thought I was introduced to it recently, and only heard 'The perfect element pt.1', I really enjoy the band and hope to listen more of their work soon.
Brood of Evil:
Get Remedy Lane next, you won't be disappointed :). Entropia and One Hour By The Concrete Lake are amazing as well, but have a different sound than TPE1 and RL, so get them last.