Whats your favorite debut album?

Who said OTSOL was PT's best album? This thread is about favorite debut records. "In Absentia" has always been my favorite, too, but it wasn't exactly their "debut". All their shit is pretty much brilliant in my book, but I would agree that their newer, heavier stuff is their overall best work, though. PT's evolution has been fun to observe from one record to the next, and much like with Opeth, you can pretty much count on them to continue pushing the envelope and we're all lucky enough to be around to witness it!

It's a great time to be alive... (well, from a musical standpoint, anyway!)

Sorry, must've misunderstood the thread.....

But I have to agree that it is a great time to be alive. People are really showing the possibilities of instruments. I love metal and I love how fast some guitar players are getting, but when I hear someone take an E-Bow or a synthesizer or some sort of pedal and add it to their guitar set up to make noises that were unthinkable, that strikes a chord inside (I know, horrible pun) that makes that type of music awesome to me.
I forgot some albums:

Blackfield - Blackfield
Negura Bunget - Zîrnindu-să (I can't believe I forgot them since they are from my country)
Led Zeppelin - I
Van Halen - I
Nightwish - Angels Fall First
Ayreon - The Final Experiment
Queensryche - Queensryche (I know it is an EP but...)
Manowar - Battle Hyms
Dio - Holy Diver (one hell of an album:flame:)
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (pure classic)
Rhapsody - Legendary Tales
Symphony X - Symphony X
Therion - Of Darkness
Children of Bodom - Something Wild

and why not?

Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid

there are many more, I'll come back later
Besides many of those that have be mentioned...

Karcius - Sphere
Disillusions - back to Times of Splendor
Psychotic Waltz - A Social Grace
Spiral Architect - A Sceptic's Universe
7 for 4 - Contact
Birds And Buildings - Bantam to Behemoth
Forgot one of the best metal debuts I know (A bit surprsied it hasn't been mentioned yet):

Disillusion - Back To Times Of Splendor

Simply put, to quote a member from Symphony X forums: "Splendor was cool as shit". This album is just great.

Btw. This thread made me think... What about best last albums by bands (By bands, which either don't exist or don't make albums any more). There's a lot of good one's in that category too!
Nine inch nails - Pretty hate machine

That album is awesome. Can't wait to see them again in August.

Many of my fav's have been listed

Other fav's

Yes- The Fragile
Alice Cooper - Love it to Death

Now for some gangster shit !!

N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton
Dre - The Chronic
Cypress Hill - C/H
Geto Boys - The Geto Boys This lyrical content on this album still amazes me.