What's your greatest discovery of 2001?

Originally posted by D Mullholand
I think we've already argued this before, but still: 5 fukking octaves? I think it's
and impossible.

Can you show me a song from Grace where he uses his range? Just curious!

D Mullholand

Not hisfull range, no :p BUT it was officialy recorded, and thats whaqt the majority ofsources say, so I'm sticking with it :p
Originally posted by LuminousAether
I used to love Better than Ezra when they first came out, they had a very nice southern rock sound. Too bad they dropped it and went straight to sounding like every other rock band, now they are bland and mediocre.

I figure you haven't heard the newest album "Closer"...
"I used to love Better than Ezra when they first came out, they had a very nice southern rock sound. Too bad they dropped it and went straight to sounding like every other rock band, now they are bland and mediocre."

"My single greatest discovery of 2001 was in the summer of 2001, Maudlin of the Well...."

Heh heh. Fun Fact: I understand that members of Better Than Ezra and members of Maudlin of the Well attended the same li'l Western MA university (albeit years apart). Goes to show that widely divergent musical styles can be cultivated in the same environment, I guess.
Cult of Luna (Swedish rock band a la Neurosis)
Ajattara (Finnish Death Metal insanity)
Tactile Gemma (Dark Electronic pschiposys)
Porcupine Tree (Pshychodelic rock-prog, excellent stuff)
The Forsaken (excellent swedish death!)
Kalmah (ETOS' members side project in the vein COB)
Anorexia Nervosa (fucking fast bombastic black)
Luna Ad Noctum (lunar/black)
Arkhon Infaustus (brutal death/black)
Immemorial (polish death with awasome female vocalist)
Azarath (brutal death from Poland)
Moonsorrow (epic heathen)
Novembre 'Novembrine Waltz'.

It's catapulted them from being a pretty good band into my top five ever. The album is a stroke of emotional genius, and I recommend it to Anathema and Katatonia fans....

It's beautiful.
Well, I am ashamed to say that SLAYER are my best discovery of 2001. I say I am ashamed for it is rather late, or maybe it is not!
I remember I could not stand SLAYER when I was 15 and all my (metal and punk) friends were laughing at me for being to soft and 'indie'.....
Most of my old friends are either lterally dead, or in a figurative manner mentally dead as they have ceased to listen to so-called 'immature' music. Now they are broadening their musical horizons by listening to Bananarama!.....:mad: :mad: :mad: :o :
I guess I will always be laughed at, no matter what I am listening to; it will always be the wrong time to do so...:rolleyes:

Nevertheless my vote goes for SLAYER and it is a vote that will set the f**kin' urn in flames!... :p

By the way, thanx to the guys that mentioned BLACK TAPE FOR A BLUE GIRL for otherwise I would be tottaly unaware of their great music...:cry: :cry: :cry: :spin: :)
There were quite a few. . .
Porcupine Tree
Green Carnation
Storm and Stress
Zero Hour
Fall of the Leafe
Dreams of Sanity
Garden of Shadows
Lacrimas Profundere
Maudlin of the Well
Galloping Coroners
The Project Hae
Originally posted by O'blivion
There were quite a few. . .
Porcupine Tree
Green Carnation
Storm and Stress
Zero Hour
Fall of the Leafe
Dreams of Sanity
Garden of Shadows
Lacrimas Profundere
Maudlin of the Well
Galloping Coroners
The Project Hae

Don't tell me you've build a rapport to all those bands!!??!?
Porcupine Tree - Oh yes... very good band. They rival Anathema in the songwriting department, but falter in emotional delivery. Regardless, songs like Waiting Phase One and Buying New Soul are wonderful prog rock masterpieces.

Green Carnation - Fairly good, but In the Woods... was a better band.

Sigh - Another great band, Hail Horror Hail is a metal classic.

Soilwork - Hmmm... slightly overrated, Dark Tranquillity is far superior.

Absu - Ugh.

Immortal - Horrible.

Thyrfing - One of the worst I've heard.

Sculptured - Pretty good Opeth influenced band.

Einherjer - HAHAHAH... this is a joke right? Hopefully...

Kalmah - Ehhh..

Lacrimas Profundere - Great Anathema clone. They lose points on originality but gain them back on delivery. The old stuff is better though, when there were black metal screeches and Elend-esque dark string based songs with growls and female vocals.

Maudlin of the Well - Ohhhhh yes. This redeems this post. Maudlin of the Well are brilliance made music.

Nagflar - Naglfar is a great techno / black metal band. Strontgorrth is one hell of an album.

Hmmmm.... some good, some horrible.

Here's more of what I discovered:
KorovaKill - absolutely insane vocals over a water based theme with chugging riffs and Arcturus-like keyboards. Recommended for those who are adventurous.
Absu - Ugh.

funny, i'd say they're the best band of all that i listed. unless ugh=godly in your lexicon. . .

oh, and yes i "built a rapport" with all of those bands. there are several others i forgot to mention, like November's Doom and Dargaard.
My greatest discovery of last year was Anekdoten (amazing stuff, wacky in a word) and Green Carnation.