Whats your job??

I sell DNA mobile network shit and work on various projects like booking RedLynx conferences to company COs around the globe.. but next spring I'll start renting apartments, don't know the exact term..
haha, interesting event yesterday at work.

"Do you need any help?"

"Yeah actually"

I was thinking "WHAT!? WHAT THE FUCK!?"
I am a counselor (yeah, that's what they call us) at a shelter for homeless people.

The most awkward moment so far was when I caught an old man jerking off in the dorm. It took me a couple seconds until I wasn't paralised with disgust anymore, and I said "Sir...? Sir...? You can't do that in here." He didn't seem to care about the 100 other men sharing the same dorm with him.
I am a counselor (yeah, that's what they call us) at a shelter for homeless people.

The most awkward moment so far was when I caught an old man jerking off in the dorm. It took me a couple seconds until I wasn't paralised with disgust anymore, and I said "Sir...? Sir...? You can't do that in here." He didn't seem to care about the 100 other men sharing the same dorm with him.

:lol: That's awesome!
just thought about a funny things that happens when i was cashier.. a guy came to pay and he got like 2 oreo boxes... exactly the same so when he came he took 2 step back and said just take another customer i got and incredible fight in my head i dunno which one to choose :zombie: ... hahah so people came and he told them no you can go i have a fight in my head so finally he decided which one he wanted so i make him pay and when he leaved he says : i think i have an heart attack but thats impossible cuz i have a peacemaker..and then he leaved that was pretty freak
a few weeks ago some skank fucktard took a shit in the men's bathroom sink

My freind was the basket guy at an indoor public pool, you sit there, and hand out metal baskets, they put their cloths in them and take the number and then ask for them later, blah blah. Involvs tons of naked old men standing in front of you I'm told, but his first day on the job someone smeard shit all over one of the bathroom walla nd he had to clean it.

A different friend now has the job, he hasnt had to do any serious cleaning and just plays Nitendo DS all day :p.

And I've been told I start work next week at some grocery store, wee 10pm - 5am shifts :D! Finally an excuse to be pasty!