When and Why? anyone


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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when are we gonna stop liking the music we like now? i dont really see older people listening to the music they liked when younger, its just wierd to see, like the change from 5 year olds liking michael jackson etc to 12 when they stop, hmn its worrying, anyone know why?
I know exactly what you mean. My cousins always think I'll stop listening to this type of music soon. I honestly believe, however, that the more sophisticated and interesting music I listen to now will remain with me forever.
yeah thats how i feel, but heres a question for you, why dont you see old people at Opeth gigs for example? hmn well i suppose its not really a place they'd think they fit in, i would just love it to hear my gran listening to Opeth.

go on picture your gran in a rocking chair head banging to Opeth :lol: oh and with a joint in her mouth too and a baseball cap saying legalise it.
Likely never. Everyone thinks I'll stop listening to metal when I "mature" and realize that this music is "bringing me down" but I am confident that I'll always like the music I like. Unless of course I find something even better.
yeah i know, a friend of mine (whose opinion i respect a lot) keeps telling me that metal if for teenagers and when i grow up a little bit i'll start listening to ethnic and stuff.... :bah:
dunno, i really dunno about this...
Honestly, i dont think ill ever look back at metal and cringe or anything... but its a big possibility that eventually my tastes may mellow out a little bit.... i even go through stages nowadays where stuff like radiohead and tool are all listen to (although usually shortlived..). I think ill always listen to technically good stuff though, but maybe ill lean more towards jazz in future, or classical, or something like that. Or progressive metal without the metal...

or maybe ill be metal all my life!
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
Honestly, i dont think ill ever look back at metal and cringe or anything...

You might yet :p When I was a lad... :lol: Seriously, I've never been ashamed of listening to metal and metal is as big a part of my life as it was 10+ years ago, but occasionally I look back at the style and cringe. Not the music, it rawks, but when I see photos of myself in skin tight black jeans and white sneakers (picture kirk hammett on stage during the puppets tour) I definitely ponder "What the fuck was I thinking???". But as far as growing out of the music, that'll never happen. Metal = Life. :devil:
Give some of us "older" folk some credit.

41 (maybe not "old" as you're explaining it):

In 2001, I was turned on to bands like Opeth, Enslaved, Dimmu Borgir, etc. - started with Led Zeppelin back in 1970.

I seem to be progressing towards deeper metal - so that makes me different, I guess. From my eyes, I can't see myself not liking metal. I asked my wife and kids this same question - they absolutely think I'll be an 80-year old metal listening drooling half-deaf gray haired no teeth old fuck.:D
I would have to agree with YaYoGakk. I think eventually my tastes may mellow out a bit. I find myself listening to more mellow stuff these days like a lot of 70's progressive rock. However, I will never disrespect the music that I love so much now. I will always enjoy music in whatever form...metal, prog, classical, etc. I hope I will continue to listen to heavier more technical music the rest of my life. I don't see why age determines what type of music you should or shouldn't listen to. I don't have to worry about losing interest in metal any time soon. ;)
I don't know. I guess I've stopped listening as much metal as I used too. I'm kind of choosy about the music I listen to these days. I used to listen to thrash, speed, death metal in the early 90's like morbid, sepultura, slayer, cannibal and all that gear. But these days, the only metal I've really been listening too is Opeth, Katatonia, My Dying Bride...

I guess I've kind of mellowed. Since I also listen to stuff like Tool, Porcupine tree, Mr Bungle.

Then again, I even listen to Drum & Bass when the mood takes me.

Bah...its all music.
I was just talking with my friends and the conversation went to music, and to the cd's which I just bought. One of them said, why I keep spending my money on them, in few years I'll get bored to my cd's and regret that I ever bought them. :eek: :cry:
Hope this isn't true...I think I'll never get enough of metal...
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
I was just talking with my friends and the conversation went to music, and to the cd's which I just bought. One of them said, why I keep spending my money on them, in few years I'll get bored to my cd's and regret that I ever bought them. :eek: :cry:
Hope this isn't true...I think I'll never get enough of metal...

Metal is something unique, it's something that's always there, it's
always great, unlike disco & techno stuff for example, which is just
a trend which dies fast, because there are no feeling or thoughts
behind the music (in my opinion). In my case, i listen to my cd's
very often and i buy cd's often too, and i never get tired of 'em
(well...some, but of course you can't like everything).
I am sure many agree with me about this and i am sure
you will not get tired of the cd's you bought.
I know this sounds very cliché and heavy metal:ish,
but i think seriously, that metal will never die! :)

There! A lesson in Metal by Mr. Brutalizer! :p ;)

PS. What cd's did you buy, btw? hehe
Well, I think I will continue listening to this kind of music as long as bands continue to make original albums... My taste in music is very wide and I think it will keep growing as long as there is good music I haven't yet discovered...