When are we going to start hating krampus?

When will we hate krampus?

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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
I find it a curious fact that nary a bad thing has been said about or towards her, not because it should be otherwise, but because she is a female, and this is GMD. According to my back of the napkin calculations, this means that there is about a 95% chance of her becoming hated on this forum. So when are we going to start spewing misogynistic epithets at her?
Probably never, as she is essentially "one of the guys" (you know what I mean, krampus) and actually knows how to conduct herself as a "member of the forum" and not just a random bitch. In other words, she's cool.
That's true. Valerie as well. Wasn't there a time when a bunch of people hated Valerie? I can't remember.

edit: Who was that chick with pink hair that everybody hated? That was a really long time ago.
The only thing with Val is she,

a). doesn't talk about metal at all really/never leaves Social, though she's explained why she doesn't do either, iirc

b). rarely contributes things other than funnehs/pictures of Thoth's sig in silly places in Social (OK she does contribute sometimes but she doesn't have the photography of Alina or the intense life-story-bearing qualities of krampus)

edit: i guess those are "things", not "the only thing" but w/e
Susperia :lol:

@v5: I wasn't aware there was a quota that must be met. Most things people talk about are either boring topics or ones I don't know enough about to have an opinion on.
That's true. Valerie as well. Wasn't there a time when a bunch of people hated Valerie? I can't remember.

edit: Who was that chick with pink hair that everybody hated? That was a really long time ago.

Don't tell me I remember Susperia and you don't.
Yeah she has never posted one picture.

I remember when she posted in the Symphony X forum like 4 years ago, and intentionally made her sig too big to piss of the mod. It's funny how she didn't get banned, and I got banned for saying the word 'fuck'
Mathiäs;8994527 said:
Yeah she has never posted one picture.

I remember when she posted in the Symphony X forum like 4 years ago, and intentionally made her sig too big to piss of the mod. It's funny how she didn't get banned, and I got banned for saying the word 'fuck'

It wasn't quite that. My sig was how it normally was which was fine in the other forum I posted in, but I made one single post asking a question, and the mod flipped out that it was too big. I even explained how I only intended to make that single post and wouldn't post there anymore, but the mod wouldn't have any of it and reported me to Deron. I also think I said something mean, I can't remember.

That thing was sad and hilarious, mods over there are so strict.
There isn't a "quota" that has to be met, but I'm just saying that you do little to really "fit in" (not necessarily bad, obviously) on social like Alina or krampus do. In other words, you're like the regular chick on here that isn't as "popular" as some of the other chicks but you do have memorable qualities as a poster. I've been here for quite a bit now so it isn't too hard for me to track the growth of various posters, especially females since there are generally very few.
I have actual friends for when I want meaningful social interaction. No offense.
I'm still not 100% sure Valerie is a female.

Neiter am I. It's always seemed to me to be a kind of running joke that no one is quite certain of what... it is.

EDIT: I do think it's humorous though that most of the females who join this forum eventually leave abruptly (whether in silence or in outrage). Very few have stuck it out, it seems. So, to you sexy bitches who have remained, I salute you!
Krampus is probably here to stay. She doesn't have any cuntlike qualities so chances of her becoming Domni pt.2 are slim. I've actually taken a liking to her as of recent.