When was the last time your life experienced a dramatic change?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
My life has been on constant cruise control for the past three years. (3 yr anniversary at mi trabajo in two days). Still unwed, no kids, driving same jalopy, listening to same hellraising metal (haven't mellowed out like a titmouse to trad doom recordings). The only difference is that those grand times of yore are starting to become few and far between. When you hit your mid/late twenties you begin to sober up, and say, "fuck I need to make more than $25,000 a year". Your concerns become larger than, "what bar will be on the agenda come Friday." This is neither good nor bad, it's simply a part of life. But fuck, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I wouldn't mind some change of some sort. I'm currently just lying low, trying to do some soul searching (as faggoth as that term sounds). Keeping to my own, trying to rise in off the clock productivity. But alas, I'm at a crossroads.

This thread wasn't created to bait advice. I'm just talking out of my ass.

"...I am not one of them..."

Two weeks ago when I fell in love for the first time in a couple years. Fuckin feels great too.

I feel like a new person, ready to get shit back on track.

Even so, I had a lot of great times the past couple years. I thought I was pretty happy, I guess I just forgot how much better shit could be.
Life has been much more enjoyable ever since I accepted that it will always be a series of constant changes. IMO, that's really what it is. It was my expectations of any consistency or dependability...or expectations of anything, that ultimately left me crushed with disappointment. If you're already thinking about it, you'll eventually figure it out. Don't wait for it, don't put pressure on it, don't expect anything, just do things that make you happy and be living now.

I ate Chinese food tonight. My fortune cookie read:

"There is in the worst of fortunes the best chance of a happy ending."
On the subject of fortune cookies... I am contemplating a sizable purchase of something I really don't need (I'm a total hypocrite) that while now it may be a lot, but in a month or two I could easily save for it. The problem is, I want it fucking NOW.

Sitting here, I enjoyed some General Tso's Chicken, open my fortune cookie:

"Patience is one of the hardest virtues to master"

Not exactly a fucking fortune, but the god damn cookie is right.

Anyway, onto the thread. I can't really remember the last dramatic change. I've kinda been doing the same thing for quite a while now. No need to force it though, forced change is always regrettable. Gotta let shit flow as it should.
yesterday. i sent a really awkward e-mail to the boss explaining how i was starting my own business and that i wanted to cut my hours now to eventually quit completely a few months down the line

it's really scary but also exciting?
Two weeks ago when I fell in love for the first time in a couple years. Fuckin feels great too.

I feel like a new person, ready to get shit back on track.

Even so, I had a lot of great times the past couple years. I thought I was pretty happy, I guess I just forgot how much better shit could be.
yesterday. i sent a really awkward e-mail to the boss explaining how i was starting my own business and that i wanted to cut my hours now to eventually quit completely a few months down the line

it's really scary but also exciting?

Good way to go about it, I think.

As far as the thread topic: when I lost my shitty job, got depressed, now I have a new and awesome [dream] job.
Life has been much more enjoyable ever since I accepted that it will always be a series of constant changes. IMO, that's really what it is. It was my expectations of any consistency or dependability...or expectations of anything, that ultimately left me crushed with disappointment. If you're already thinking about it, you'll eventually figure it out. Don't wait for it, don't put pressure on it, don't expect anything, just do things that make you happy and be living now.

Agreed for me as well, figuring this out some time ago made the biggest difference. It really is fucking scary to allow any type of change in ones life, but once you do ... see above.
Life has been (fortunately) very stable. If there's been drama, it's been related to my niece. She lived with us for the better part of three years. She had very serious drug problems, which inevitably landed on our doorstep. However, she has since gone off to a Christ-based rehab in S.C. (her Grandparent's idea). She's been clean nine months and has been born for a second time. As an atheist, this transformation wouldn't be my first choice, but I'm happy she's found something to fill whatever void she had been filling with drugs.
