When will the next announcement be?

I have to agree with Jason. I saw Ion Vein open for Armored Saint a few years back, and I thought AS were pretty boring live.

The only song of theirs I ever liked was "Can U Deliver"
They were always B-list American metal, even back in the day.

I remember when they played House of Blues a few years back (and I am assuming this is prolly the show Vito is mentioning) Metal Haven had STACKS of free tickets to that show for weeks.

So, I would say, please don't invite AS to play.. Thanks... :)
That would certainly make life MUCH easier these days....all three of us
are just about ready to "JUMP"....... :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell:

Hey guys...don't kill yourselves over this! If it's that much work, I would start to question if it's worth it. I know it is for us the fans, but I'd hate to read the headline "Ion Vein and Twelfth Gate put on fantastic metal festival, heads explode shortly thereafter"

You guys rule :kickass:
I am almost convinced that Powerfest is only three bands. I mean it is only 3 months to the fest. If they dont hurry people from out of town wont be able to make plans in time.

Actually, we have a little more than 3 months right now...hehe :p

We do expect that shit will start coming together within the next coupla weeks, and I predict that you out-of-towners will have enough justification to start planning your trips by the actual 3 month mark. :kickass:
"It" shall be Monday.

And if anyone knows anything, or finds out somehow before then, PLEASE keep it to yourself, and more importantly, PLEASE refrain from posting it publically anywhere. Much appreciated.

Let's just hope the band doesn't look like this:
Is this a hint? The Van Halen / David Lee Roth reunion will start at Powerfest??? That would be cool!:Smokedev:

... It would also explain why negotiations have been so difficult! :lol:

I had the misfortune of seeing DLR perform live at Naperville Ribfest last year.
Trust me, you DON'T want to see him live (fronting ANY band)

Well, I certainly hope it isn't SOULFY (Isn't their tag line, JUMPDAFUCKUP!)