When will Woods 2 be available again?

i saw a (used) copy at Sonic Boom - a large used cd/record/dvd store in downtown toronto (bathurst and bloor) - for $10.95 ;)
You know what else I recently saw at Sonic-Boom? A 'promo' copy of VANQUISHED - "Black Northern Storm":


This would be a copy that a 'writer' would have gotten for free from us for promotional/review purposes, and then sold to Sonic-Boom for cash (even though the cover is marked as 'Promo'). I know this kind of shit still happens all the time in the metal world, but it still pisses me off! :mad:
yeah..actually i've been fooled into buying promo copies at that store, more than once! or maybe i was just being careless...but i didnt notice that they were promos until after i bought them.

yes, and i see your point, dave. promo cds aren't for resale, lol
Pale-Folklore said:
i saw a (used) copy at Sonic Boom - a large used cd/record/dvd store in downtown toronto (bathurst and bloor) - for $10.95 ;)

Feel free to buy it and I'll send the money your way :D
Wow, I didn't realize Woods 2 was out of print already. Fantastic album btw, I'm glad I pre-ordered it.