When your classic metal albums become 'heavier'


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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For the better part of the past 3 months, I've been on a decidely non-metal musical kick. The majority of my time has been spent engulfed in three genres: early 70s prog (Jethro Tull, King Crimson, ELP, Nektar, Van Der Graaf, Camel, Gentle Giant, etc), early 70s blues rock (Humble Pie, Jeff Beck, Hendrix, Allman Brothers, Robin Trower) and some early 70s jazz-rock fusion (Mahavishnu Orchestra, Miles Davis' Bitch's Brew, etc).

With this current 'distance' from metal, I've experienced a revelation of sorts: when I have gone back and thrown on a Maiden, Priest, Purple or Sabbath disc, it's sounded utterly heavy. The past weekend, I pulled out "Killers" and "Stained Class" and was practically blown away (again) by these classics as if I were experiencing them anew! I must have listened to each of these 1,000 times over the years, and I swear I heard new, heavy facets to the songs I hadn't noticed before! I then went to Rainbow's "Rising", Sab's "Master of Reality" and Maiden's "Piece of Mind" and almost felt the same hair-raising awe I first experienced upon hearing "Ride the Lightning" for the first time over 20 years ago! :worship:

In a nutshell, distancing myself from metal has allowed it's true heaviness to ring forth in ways previously unseen (to my eyes, at least).
Now, I'm almost afraid to throw on "Reign in Blood"! :err:
All the time. I mean yes of course if I play Dream Evil, Abandoned, Doomshine, Black Steel, Anubis Gate definitively they have a cleaner, louder, more aggressive approach than 70s-early 80s bands, but since I grew up with the classics I found old Maiden, Priest, Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, etc way heavier than most modern bands.

I know that may sound difficult to understand to some, but I guess SM and I are on the same wavelenght on this one.
Wyvern said:
All the time. I mean yes of course if I play Dream Evil, Abandoned, Doomshine, Black Steel, Anubis Gate definitively they have a cleaner, louder, more aggressive approach than 70s-early 80s bands, but since I grew up with the classics I found old Maiden, Priest, Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, etc way heavier than most modern bands.

I know that may sound difficult to understand to some, but I guess SM and I are on the same wavelenght on this one.

oh, I fully agree this... Witnessed it yesterday with Celtic Frost..The band that opened played very raw Black Metal, but were they heavier than Frost ? No way !! I think some songs of the 70's and 80's are way harder than most modern Metal. Lots of old Sabbath beats the crap out of modern "Power" Metal. Luckely there are lots of bands lately that still can play and write "heavy" music, guess within 20years or so someone will say; god damned, that 2006 record was heavy, nothing like we have now...
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Death Animal said:
^^Drunk maybi:loco:

Well yes metal get sound more heavy when you come home at
friends where you did listen eminem and scooter uber tecno.
If anybody unterstand.:ill:

Ha ha ha not drunk today. I copied and pasted because the UM server would not accept my reply. The copy and paste got messed up. Ha ha ha.

once you've had some distance from your favourites tunes you appreciate them again even more. Its a great feeling!
I have read in other forums that when musicians who have been mxing and arranging thier songs all night at one point will become happy with one mix, but after waking up the next day and hearing the same mix the same song will either have a flat/dull sound or will contain a strange elemental groove that makes it better then before.

in either case, your ears(and head) hear the song diffrent because of the exposure. You did a good thing by standing back for awhile and hearing other genres. This is why a really cool riff on the guitar will stand out everytime you hear the same track and never gets that boring. Its all about the mix.
