Where are all merchandises?


Apr 26, 2004
Since there is no online shop where I can place my order of wanted Tad Morose merchandise, I place it here instead.

1 Modus Vivendi T-shirt size:XXL
1 Undead T-shirt size:XXL
1 Matters of the Dark T-shirt size:XXL
Pins, buttons,

... a well, does anyone have any suggestions to what merchandises I need?

.. or what merchandises would be great to have...

Don't you guys and grrrls agree that Tad Morsose should have a little merchandise corner on their website?
ZeiMoT said:
Since there is no online shop where I can place my order of wanted Tad Morose merchandise, I place it here instead.

1 Modus Vivendi T-shirt size:XXL
1 Undead T-shirt size:XXL
1 Matters of the Dark T-shirt size:XXL
Pins, buttons,

... a well, does anyone have any suggestions to what merchandises I need?

.. or what merchandises would be great to have...

Don't you guys and grrrls agree that Tad Morsose should have a little merchandise corner on their website?

Show them who is boss Zeimot !! :grin: Fortunately, as consumers of metal music and merchandise...... we are.

YES! I want some merch too dammit! :hypno:
Show us those girlie shirts and thongs :loco: :lol: