Where are we from?

Fire in The Sky is great but the chorus kinda sucks, it should have more different parts, just like Scrutinized and Fearless. To me these are songs with great potential with shitznit choruses.
hm, really? pretty interesting, because these songs are fucking sick! in a good way, of course. and this disproves my thesis that they took him only because he was good looking. i mean, they already had the "musical genius" and the "fat guy" types, was quite logical they took him haha what ever.

i'm from germany. hi everyone.

ahahaahaahaha funny post!!! :lol:

Mikael wrote Adjusting the sun and All turns black too

but it makes me wonder, when, for instance, it says :

Adjusting the sun

Music : Hedlund
Lyrics : Tagtgren

ok, so does that mean that Mikael wrote the song ENTIRELY, even the solo and the drums, or is it more like he came out with the basic riffs...?
ok, so does that mean that Mikael wrote the song ENTIRELY, even the solo and the drums, or is it more like he came out with the basic riffs...?

yeah, that's what i'm wondering.
one of the questions that should be asked in an interview instead of all the stupid ones. this is the stuff that is REALLY interesting! HELL PETER REGISTER TO THE BOARD ALREADY!
i got two virus shirts a hoddie and the fourth dimension and the arival pluss osculum obcenum logsleave lol there hard to come by most come from london !!
No. This thered is about where are we from, this thread is about us in general. No limits, no restrictions. We are here as we are.
You are welcome!
I collect Hypocrisy shits. I don't know how many I have any more, I stopped counting a few years ago. I guess around 50, maybe a little more...

Edit: But this must be the wrong thread to disguss this.

50! woah...I only have one. I got the new Catch22 shirt a month ago. I want a more "old school" one though...but they are hard to find in my parts. I got my catch22 one in Finland...

North America = fail...sometimes.