Where do clean vocals exist outside of power, prog, trad, and doom?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Two extremes:

1. Blarghu thrash scream scream

2. Laaaaa falsetto warble ooh yeah

List bands you listen to featuring clean vocals that do NOT fall into the category of power, trad, or doom metal.

- Primordial
- Disillusion
- Giant Squid

Simen "ICS Vortex" Hestnæs' clean vocal parts in Borknagar, Arcturus and Dimmu Borgir are obvious examples. Einherjer and several other viking/pagan metal bands also have a lot of clean vocals, but you probably know this already.
Enforcer, Caustic Strike, Reverend Bizarre, The Law, Oppression, Bullet etc etc
far from gone, and these are all current bands. Still, it's rarer than it once was
nevermore, iced earth, falkenbach, opeth, empyrium, agalloch, into eternity, persuader, mercenary. The last 2 could be considered power metal though.
Two extremes:

1. Blarghu thrash scream scream

2. Laaaaa falsetto warble ooh yeah

List bands you listen to featuring clean vocals that do NOT fall into the category of power, trad, or doom metal.

- Primordial
- Disillusion
- Giant Squid
I'm not sure this is a fair question. You removed the sub-genres where clean vocals are the dominant style, and then removed two types of clean vocals styles. I'm not sure how this question is any different than asking people to list bands that use blastbeats, that do not fall into the category of extreme Metal.

This used to be one of my favourite DT albums (BECAUSE of the change in vocals) but the last few times I've listened to it I found the vocals to be quite cringe-worthy in a few parts.
Sometimes I think it's brilliant, while in other listens it seems ridiculous, I agree. Anyway, I think it's brave that they tried, and they should at least input it here and there...but seems they got too scared of the fan reaction.
basically it seems JayK is looking for clean vocals that don't suck. naturally, he got rid of the weak styles
Yeah what's there not to understand? A whole bunch of responses have already answered the question -- that clean vocals can exist outside of power, trad, and doom.

I remembered Falkenbach about 5 minutes after starting the thread. Still, it looks like more bands could explore this more "creative" middleground.

It seems all too easy now for a bunch of musicians to form a death metal or power metal band these days.