Where is everyone?

Out pulling some really hot chicks, 9s and 10s man, all the way. No one could be more good looking than me, I've had my genes altered to make sure.
4:54pm in Pittsburgh got back from work 2 hrs ago and I guess sleeping isn't that important to me anymore because I never seem to find time to do it
This threads reads like the narration of an extremely mundane film noir

I know exactly what noir is, but still I can't put it into words. I've tried to explain the phenomenon to people before, but I just can't do it. My knowledge is implicit. Does anyone care to try to give an explicit definition of it?
I just got in from school. The last class I was in was absolutely brutal. It's a design class where we are supposed to become decent in programs like InDesign, Photoshop and InCopy. This was the first class, and for some reason the instructor decided that we google some interesting covers of magazines or books and then he would go around to each of us to talk to us about our choices. Sounds easy, no? 1 and a half hours after I have already found my examples, the dude still hasn't even talked to me or anyone sitting near me. Finally he comes by, after realizing he took way too long with the others and goes through the last 10 of us in like 10 minutes.

This guy needs to get his shit together. What a complete fucking waste of time.
7:16 p.m. Home from work and mostly done with a 24 oz. can of Steel Reserve, which sadly barely puts a dent in my sobriety these days. I haven't been active on this site in a while, since my interest in metal definitely waned after Metal Haven closed. I will keep an eye on bands I already know, but I don't have the energy for new ones. Buying a condo was also a horribly draining and difficult experience that beat me down the point where I will take as much silence as I can get.
9:51 a.m. A long day of no classes ahead of me, but of course we have 45-minute hallway cleaning time from 15:00-15:45. Woke up and weighed myself which was the first mistake of the day. Will take a long walk at lunchtime to get money out of the ATM and buy some lunch.
uh it's 9:19pm here. Studying for a German quiz tomorrow, but I don't really have any desire to study for it...I feel somewhat prepared