Where is the old bodom?


Aavan meren
Nov 28, 2004
i havent get used to it and i dont think to.Metalcore, not like on bodom, i want the old bodom back. what do you think ????i missed alexi's solos ,just janne remained in trashed and lost strongout
well.. i like the new stuff.. the old isn't worse and not better.
(it tendens on each song) i like every bodom phase : )
Well I love the old and the new stuff, but the old stuff is better...Neeedled 247 and T,L&S sounds so....new and clean and syntethic....dunno....but they're also pretty cool!

And what we hear NOW is what CoB wants to do NOW, so....
now i still like them, but when they had HB and FTR i thought of them as one of the best and my favorite band. now they're still good, i just don't like them as much, hopefully the new cd will change my mind. =/
Oh man, i really wish COB would make songs like Silent Night, Downfall, Hatebreeder... classic riffs..

I think the new Bodom is more "selling music".. I think also that vocals on the new songs is quite better than the old vocal. The dream song would be like Downfall with TSD vocals.

The new songs is more and more techno if you understand :p espessially tecnho synth
I really like the soloing on the new stuff, although I really liked Alexi's classical riffing from SW. I wish he would incorporate some of the neo-classical elements of the old stuff into the newer songs. They really did a great job with it.
fully agreed dude, i guarantee you that if they made another album exactly like hatebreeder every single one of you (well except for the newbies) would be stoked as fuck. I sure would. I think i liked everything about the old bodom better, alexi's dress style, jackson guitars, neoclassical riffs, alexander kuoppala (no offense to roope). The new Bodom is pretty good, but the old bodom is incredibly great.
Yeah... I know what you guys mean... I like the "old" & the "new" bodom...
I think the new bodom is a bit more.....Punkish.... you know the vibe of the lyrics and shit and the rhythm's are a bit more straightforward.... The old shit sounds a bit more technical... I love it still... Hopefully they just grow as a band but don't forget their roots ( bloody roots:D ) ever.
Old stuff > *

How many boring songs does hatebreeder have? Zero!

Downfall, SNBN, Warheart(!!!!), Cob, Towards...who could need more good stuff???

How many HCDR? uhh... 5 first songs are classics.. but the rest... it makes me feel bad.

(just my opinion of cuz)
I personally think the band don't truelly understand just how good they were in 97-2001. Hatebreeder is still the perfect album for me and has been for some time now. The composition, vocals, atmoshpere, playing, everything about the first two albums was unique and original. This is why they were so good. Their new work to me, isn't even in the same league and I don't think of them as Children Of Bodom now, rarther COBHC.

I seriously think Alexi needs to sit down and listen to the first 2 albums again several times over so he can understand why the fans think the earlier work to be better.
I understand they want to evolve and be different. But they have started to walk a very dark path towards generic metal. My advise to them, would be listen to the fans and understand why the earlier work was so good, and maybe intergrate that into their new direction.
From an interview:

It is being said that that COB is playing modern Nu Metal now and should write songs like on the Hatebreeder album again, what's your thought on this?

Alexi: [clears throat] "You know, that's kind of a tricky thing because the thing is that there are always going to be people no matter will say things like that. 'The older one is always better' you know. People that are saying you should just do stuff like Hatebreeder but we don't want to get stuck, you know! We don't just want to get stuck in one style of music and plus that's just not what we're about right now. Whatever we do its not consciously decided that we want to sell more modern or sell more old school. Some of that comes naturally and that's it. So I mean, in a way I understand if the new stuff doesn't appeal to people who were more into Something Wild or Hatebreeder but still it what we do. If you don't dig it, that's totally fine with me!"

So you know his opinion about that now and don't even need to think about telling him what songs he has to write again.
As far as i'm concerned though you almost have an obligation as a band not to alienate your original fans, unless you are a conceited prick
AlexiLiimatainen said:
... they already made hatebreeder so why try to do it again?
Exactly. Then there would be people complaining that COB would always do the same and copy theirselves. Besides that I don't think that Alexi can write songs like on that album again anymore. The music on that album was influenced and maybe even created by his musical taste, feelings, emotions and much more from the time in 1998 and since then a lot changed. So he also won't be able to write songs like on the Hate Crew Deathroll album again in a few years.