Where to begin???

King Chaos

Pomeo Osoponeor
Mar 19, 2004
I've been advertising for a deathmetal drummer for bloody ages now and none are popping up.

Im sure most of you guys have been in bands and/or are in bands. how oh how did you manage to find your drummers???

can anyone suggest a better way than advertising all over??? my patience is running out! I have so many awesome ideas and I know if i could find like minded musicians We'd be able to create totally BADass music.
try to meet as many different people as possible, especialy those who are or have been in bands, many bands have ex members who they are still in contact with or know people who are looking for a band, if you can fin a band who has recently auditioned drummers, ask if you can have contact details for some of them. so thats the 'building connections' type route, the other way is to see if another band member would take up the drums and then search for a member to replace them.

oh and dont go on technical ability, find someone who plays with the right style and fits with the rest of the band. A bad drummer is more likeley to get better than an asshole to change his ways, so find someone who fits on a social level with the rest of you, you wouldnt want some arrogant, snobby git who thinks they know it all, even if they were a great drummer, you'd get sick of them quickly.
Im the corner boy of the local metal scene :cry:

strangely enough tonight a random drummer contacted me who fits perfectly to what I want :tickled: Thats fookin wierd if you ask me, he seems a bit shifty but at the same time he told me he's fast and has been in quite a few deathmetal bands in the past. He also knows other musicians which is just perfect really!!! As soon as my patience ran out a drummer apeared in my life. fookin crazy. Thanks for your advise anyway.
you know what seriously works... if you have a little brother.. just get him into metal and give him a drum set... let him practice up a while and he's all yours. :)
Wound: jeah!!! THAT's the way to go :)

problem is: my drummer will be about 20 years younger than the rest of the band and won't be available within the next few years...........................................................

damn, looks like I'll have to figure out something else...... :(