Where Would You Live?


fuck ftagn
Oct 27, 2003
The Red Tower
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

It's tough for me. There's so many places I want to live...Northwest America, Ireland, Japan, Norway, New Zealand.
My first choice would be Germany. I really like the small towns over there. My aunt lived on the outskirts of Heidelberg for a few years and the place is awesome. So quiet and relaxed, neat and orderly, shitloads of trees all over the place, good weather, supreme aryan ubermenschen everywhere, and fantastic beer!

I guess I'd like to live in Japan as well. It just seems like an interesting place to live. But given my fascination for Japanese females I'm afraid it would probably just turn into an extended bout of sex tourism.

I've often fantasized about living at my family's ranch over in Sonora, Mexico. I could probably go over and work there if I really wanted to but I sort of like having electricity, being around other people, etc.
England, Ireland, or anywhere in Scandinavia. Away from the heat waves, sand storms and the shitty people who inhabit this small parcel of land.
I'd think somewhere such as Oregon, far away enough from Portland or any other big city so that I don't get swamped with the "city life" but close enough so I can head there when needed. The whole "rainy" weather there is something I quite would enjoy :)
I'd think somewhere such as Oregon, far away enough from Portland or any other big city so that I don't get swamped with the "city life" but close enough so I can head there when needed. The whole "rainy" weather there is something I quite would enjoy :)
I think were I to choose a place in the US, it would probably be Wyoming. Sounds like a perfect spot for me.
I don't need to move anywhere. Maine is the greatest. Fresh air, vast mountains and forests that go right up to the rocky ocean shore.

If I had to live anywhere else it would be Norway. Not just for the metal, but because it's a lot like Maine.
I'd think somewhere such as Oregon, far away enough from Portland or any other big city so that I don't get swamped with the "city life" but close enough so I can head there when needed. The whole "rainy" weather there is something I quite would enjoy :)

definitely. I've looked at moving there after I'm done with college for a teaching job
Scandinavia. Though I have never been there but in my ignorance it seems like a cool place to live (specifically Sweden or Norway). Germany, Australia or New Zealand wouldn't seem to bad either. Hell even the UK seemed nice when I was over there.
Hawaii, where I actually do plan on living soon.

Dude, you're moving to Hawaii? That's awesome. Can you actually afford to get a house there?

Personally, I'd want to live somewhere warm. I hate freezing cold weather -- it just makes it a bitch to be outside. Maybe if there were more snow in my area, I'd think differently, but it pretty much never snows here.

I'd also want to live somewhere mountainous, because mountains kick ass.

So yeah, I'd probly go with Hawaii, assuming that I had the money to live there and to travel away from there every now and then. New Zealand seems pretty sweet too, though.

However, if it were warmer in Scandinavia, I'd pick that hands down because of the metal. :headbang: