Where Would You Live?

I live in the Pacific Northwest (in Seattle, specifically), and I love it here so much. I lived in Michigan for a year and hated it with every fiber of my being. I am glad to be back home.

If I moved away, I would love to at least experiment with living in Paris for a time because I loved it so much there.

I am also toying with the idea of doing fieldwork in the South African desert.
where in England?

What do you like about it? Sorry I just wondered what people who don't have to come here for a better life or whatever like about it. I do actually like it myself btw.

My ex is in Birmingham. Love that city but I wuldnt be moving there is I were to move. Thinga are to complicated emotionally for me to do that I think. Just a month ago or so I was in Coventry and I noticed that I still love the country.

What I love about it? Well, the people first and foremost. I dont know what it is but people are more warm in England. In Sweden no one has probably ever spoken to me if he/she didnt know me or wasnt drunk or in a bar/party. In England it has happened several times, people just being nice.

Then there's the pub culture which I like. I despise clubs for the most part but over here if one goes out its usually to a club (or so it seems). I just love the emntalito of going out to a pub just to be social. And you know what the music has decent volume to one can talk to eachother.

Then there's achitecture. Its so nice going past all the wonderful houses. Sure some are pretty ugly but alot of them looks so nice.

I also like the weather, believe it or not :) Id rather have rain than melting snow and stuff. + winter is shorter and summer is longer so Im all for that. It doesnt get a freezing as it can get over here.

But you know what I think its mostly about the people. I just feel comfortable around English men and women. I think its something about the mentality.

I also want to start something new, get myself and empty paper and shape my life as I would like it. Right now Im stuck in stuff I have always done - or so it feels. Getting away would force me to do thing with my life that I wouldnt do otherwise.