Where Would You Live?

Heh. I'm moving to Kiruna in August.

I might stay in Sweden. Seems like an alright country. I'd have to overcome my fear of flying to go anywhere else anyway.
Nice! I envy you somewhat. :>

I'm going up there for 4 weeks soon to do "learning by working"-practice. It will rule.
Nice! I envy you somewhat. :>

What's more, if I can find an apartment, I get to live by myself. I wonder how many people get to do that at age 15. If I can't find one before August, I'll have to live with a friend or my brother.

Also, when are you going there? Will you see the Kiruna Festival? I don't care much for the bands this year (waits for Machinae Supremacy to show up), but The Hives are supposed to be good live.
Kiruna is nice as can be,one of the biggest cities in the world in area,but the population is a bit smaller:lol:. What are you going to do in Kiruna,going there to work in the mines or something like that?

Study. We have no gymnasiums where I live (it's a small pop. 300 village) but I don't know if I will be able to find a place to stay...
My cousin lives in NZ. I visited and well, he likes it. I don't think it's amazing really. I'd rather go there than Australia though because I think most aussies hate us don't they? Whatever. If so the feeling is automatically mutual.

I'd like to visit a Scandinavian country and Germany but I think I'm happy to live in England. I just hate all the bloody chavs! they are such an embarrasment!
I liked Australia, nice place with nice people, just not that many people. But I was only there a month and I've only been to the eastern half.

If I lived anywhere there it would be in the North. I hate winter.
Goddamn I guess reading is fucking fundamental sheez. Ugh probably back in Huntsville AL its near the Tn and AL stateline i love that part of the world when I used to live there really nice and tranquil and then if I spoke the language back to Pirmasens Germany i had a blast in that town way back in the day.
Lately I've started to realise what a fucking soulless shithole Australia is. I'm aching to leave this country, I feel like moving to Indonesia. The people fucking rule :kickass:
I'm just fucking with you. :lol:
So, Indonesia, you say? What's the climate there like?

I know, it's all good ;)

Climate in Indo is very warm. Consider, we're talking the equator here.

I remember when we arrived at our villa, I had my glasses on. The cab was air conditioned, so I had little idea what it would be like once we arrived in Seminyak and got out. Let's just say that in less than FIVE SECONDS, my glasses fogged up to the point where I couldn't see through them at all. Totally covered in condensation.

The sun in the region is very sharp, despite the humidity (which is very high most of the time). I spent little time wearing more than just shorts and swam around 3-4 times a day.

You get used to it quickly though, it's total heaven and really adds to the spiritual side of the region as well.

Already my gf and I are planning Thailand before October and then a second & longer trip to Bali soon after that. It's an amazing place and the culture is simply jawdropping. The people are incredibly calm, open and friendly, and take care of each other a lot. It's very moving and positive.

Highly recommended, and very very cheap. Don't hesitate - save up and get your ass over there. You'll be amazed at what you discover.
Nice, thanks for the overview. Looks like you've had a real blast there. I dunno, I'd rather vacation in places that are radically different climate-wise from where I live(Israel) and it looks like Indonesia is even more soaked in humidity than what I'm used to over here. All this heat really gets to me sometimes.
So when I save up enough, I'll probably tour Europe first before braving Southwestern Asia.