Where Would You Live?

That's because most Israelis like to vacation in places with a similar climate(Thailand is the number 1 destination for the Israeli tourist, slightly losing to Turkey). I wasn't born here though and have trouble adjusting to the heat. Even after more than
17 years of living here.
Alaska for me. I hope to get there sooner rather than later. I'm all about the freezing weather, scenic surroundings, outdoor activities, and minimal population.
I used to date this wonderful girl in England and I fell in love with that country immediately. As it turned out I didnt take the chance to move when she wanted me to and the relationship ended. We did end up back together but I guess she didnt have the same feelings so even though I wanted to move she was never sure of it the second time around. That is all over now but I still love that country.

Been thinking alot about moving there to start a new life but Im not sure. Especially with my history there and that I havent emotionally moved on from my past experiences with my ex. I will keep things in mind though and I actually bought a book on what to think about and do before one moves to England so Im pretty serious about it still.
I enjoy living in oregon, the climate is very nice.

raining and cloudy in the winter, which is obviously the best weather, and sunny in the summer but not too hot.
I used to date this wonderful girl in England and I fell in love with that country immediately. As it turned out I didnt take the chance to move when she wanted me to and the relationship ended. We did end up back together but I guess she didnt have the same feelings so even though I wanted to move she was never sure of it the second time around. That is all over now but I still love that country.

Been thinking alot about moving there to start a new life but Im not sure. Especially with my history there and that I havent emotionally moved on from my past experiences with my ex. I will keep things in mind though and I actually bought a book on what to think about and do before one moves to England so Im pretty serious about it still.

where in England?

What do you like about it? Sorry I just wondered what people who don't have to come here for a better life or whatever like about it. I do actually like it myself btw.
New York seems to be the place best fit for me: Great vibe, Great Music Scene and excellent stores/points of interest.

I have extended family on my dad's side in Paris. I love it there.

Chicago is where I live now and it is decent. Does get boring though.
I could never live in another country permanently as I'm too patriotic and would miss it here.

I would however love to spend a year of 2 living in Holland and also have plans to spend a few months travelling round Scandanavia