Which 4x12?

tgs said:
After much consideration, I've more or less decided to go for a Trad Mesa 4x12 cab after all, despite the high price. One problem though. There is a dealer here in sweden where I can get a fairly good price, and they have it in and everything, so I could just go there and pick it up.

BUT! (of course, there always is one...)

It's slanted. He also checked their stock and apparently they don't even keep the straight one in stock at all, "you can't get it in sweden" were his exact words. So I'd like to ask you guys if you still think this would be ok for me. Would I be experiencing any special problems? Or should I just not go for it? I'd really love to have this 4x12 and I'd rather not settle for second best just because it's more convenient....

Slant vs. Straight is a matter of preference. I owned a Mesa traditional 4x12 slant and used it with a Dual Rectifier, and thought it sounded excellent. It's too bad you can't play both, side-by-side to figure out which one you prefer.
I have both a Mesa straight and slant cab. The Mesa straight cab is a slant cab with a larger top. The straight cab still has the top two speakers slanted up, unlike the Marshalls. The interal volume of the cab, etc. is all the same. So, unless you are going to stack another cab on top of your new cab, straight and slant doesn't matter.
That was right on target Matt, thanks! I will go for it then. I get it for 10500SEK, which is roughly 1150 euros (with 25% sales tax, which I can deduct). I guess it's cheaper in many other countries, but shipping 50 or so kg is everything but cheap...
Bob Savage said:
At the risk of sounding fecitious, I believe that you can put a mic on the grille, pointed at the speaker, the same way as any other cab.

Yes I realize this now. I had a lapse of stupidity and then came out after I pressed submit reply. :ill: