Which Band Would You Be Saddest About If They Stopped Making Music


New Metal Member
Aug 23, 2006
Texas, United States
Title says it all. If a band all of a sudden stoped making music because of a death of a member or something like that, which band (or bands) would you be saddest about if they stoped making those great albums you always loved. Mine would have to be Kreator, Destroyer 666, Amon Amarth, Agalloch, and Moonspell are the only ones I can come up with right now.

Sorry about making another list thread I just think the forums have been dead lately so I decided to make a thread.
i'm pissed that Revered Bizarre plan on fucking off.

i was pissed when Mörk Gryning called it quits. and Otyg.

i would be pissed if Countess balled out.
Iron Maiden.

Yes, bring on the "they should stop now", "their new stuff's crap" comments, but the prospect of my favourite band and heroes calling it a day still terrifies me, and I think I would be depressed for quite a while.
i generally tend to stop liking bands/most bands stop deserving my attention long before they get to the point of breaking up. after the 2nd shite rehash commercial ploy album or so, i lose interest. 97 times out of 100 bands break up because they realize they've started to suck.