Which genre sucks the most?

Which is the worst?

  • Dance Music

    Votes: 25 25.5%
  • Rap

    Votes: 36 36.7%
  • Hip Hop

    Votes: 22 22.4%
  • UK Garage

    Votes: 15 15.3%

  • Total voters
Well I wouldn't say Rap and Hip Hop aren't dull ao poor excuses for music. What you see on MTV is just pop. There are actually some good political rap lyrics out there.

As for UK garage, I'm not to sure what you mean. Garage rock is has been around since the 60s and it the rawest form of rock 'n roll.

As for Dance Music, I don't listen to it. But I'm pretty sure that has some type of prodution value to it.

Personally I don't think there is such a thing as a bad genre in music. Each Genre has its good and its bad.

I could easily say that metal sucks because Korn and Slipknot sucks, but they are not metal or good. MTV portrays them as metal. The same could be said about punk, because Good Charolette and New Found Glory sucks. But MTV portrays those bands as punk which they are not. Rap and Hip Hop is like this too, when you see people like Nelly or Ja Rule on MTV ist the same watered down crap of that genre it portrays.
I don't really know why you listed rap and hip hop seperately, as they are the same thing to me. But I chose hip hop, as it sounds more commercial, and to me would represent the kind of music I despise most, like 50 Cent, Ja Rule, and Nelly.
Yeah, rap and hip hop are two terms for the same thing. The only sort of difference you could make is something like hip hop is the music, rap is the vocal style or maybe rap is the style of music, hip hop is the name of the culture. It's all inanities, if you are referring to a genre of music, hip hop and rap are interchangable terms.
1. What is the difference between hip-hop and rap?
2. I wouldn't be so quick as to put rap/hip-hop down. Sure, the rap on MTV is crap, but for all I know, the "real" rap is great, or at least thought-provoking. MTV would have you think that Limp Bizkit is a real metal band.
That said, I hate everything that I've ever heard that was labelled as rap or hip-hop.
3. What is UK Garage?

All said, I really loathe dance music and everything about it.
There is some wonderfully thought provoking rap and hip hop. There is a difference, I just forgot what it is. I used to listen to both, and there is a clear difference...kind of like saying there's a difference between death and black metal...to the lay person it sounds the same, but if you know the difference they are worlds apart.
I vote for Dance Music. They just make cover versions (i heard born to be wild as a techno version :ill: ) and just use computers. And if you found any vocal it is computerized too. Lyrics are often not exist and then you can hear just one stupid meaningles sentence.
squeemu said:
There is some wonderfully thought provoking rap and hip hop. There is a difference, I just forgot what it is. I used to listen to both, and there is a clear difference...kind of like saying there's a difference between death and black metal...to the lay person it sounds the same, but if you know the difference they are worlds apart.

It's not the same at all. Myself being a metal fan, I can easily tell someone the difference between black and death metal. But not a single rap fan has EVER told me the difference between hip hop and rap, and this is not because I haven't asked because I have, many times. Every single one has a completely different reason for the discrepancy between rap and hip hop, and many don't make sense. The only ones who have ever told me there is a musical difference never tell me what that difference is, even a rough approximation of it! I have long since given hope of someone giving a definitive seperation between rap and hip hop, and I don't even believe it exists now.