Jonny cash is Great!!!!! I loved his cover of Soungardens "Rusty Cage"Bryant said:Johnny Cash just covered a Nine Inch Nails tune titled "Hurt" and I bet he is in his 70's. That has to take balls the size of watermelons. There are some "real" folk based country artists out there with something to say. Willie Nelson (while he can't sing for shit) can play the shit out of an acoustic guitar as well. I personally am not a fan of country music, but their are some real artists out there in the genre.
Unfortunately the new "modern country" is absolutely the best example of watered down pop music. The "industry" finds good looking guys and girls that can sing fair, throws cowboy hats on them and gives them songs written by someone else to perform. Artists should have something to say, even if they are doing little more than condensing books (common with some metal bands) or bitching about law enforcement (common with rap.) The "modern" country artists are just barely above Milli-Vanilli or however you spell it.
LuminousAether said:Oh god... are you serious? Grow a brain, simp.
estranged88 said:....are you refering to me?
look, i dont want to start a fight with you, so if you have anthing else to say, make it clear as to who you are directing your statement. Since when was it a crime not to like country? i even thanked you for your reconmendations as a nice way of saying that i do not like country. There is a difference between ignorance and a polite rejection due to different taste in music.....
.....if i was ignorant i would have said F*** you, but that is not what I did because i have class, and i respect you for your different taste...
...but then to go and call me ignorant, im sorry if i have offended you, but in no way did i feel that what i posted was in any way ignorant.
-my appologies to you if you are offended in anyway by what i said, i just wanted to state my opinion, and i am truley sorry if you are offended.
Well put, Bryant.Bryant said:Johnny Cash just covered a Nine Inch Nails tune titled "Hurt" and I bet he is in his 70's. That has to take balls the size of watermelons. There are some "real" folk based country artists out there with something to say. Willie Nelson (while he can't sing for shit) can play the shit out of an acoustic guitar as well. I personally am not a fan of country music, but their are some real artists out there in the genre.
Unfortunately the new "modern country" is absolutely the best example of watered down pop music. The "industry" finds good looking guys and girls that can sing fair, throws cowboy hats on them and gives them songs written by someone else to perform. Artists should have something to say, even if they are doing little more than condensing books (common with some metal bands) or bitching about law enforcement (common with rap.) The "modern" country artists are just barely above Milli-Vanilli or however you spell it.
Kate Bush Rules! said:There are no bad genres.
And so does your nasty attitude, dickhead.LuminousAether said:Exactly. That's why this thread sucks.
Kate Bush Rules! said:There are no bad genres.
Those bands are huge where I live. I don't like their music, but does that make it "bad"? NO, fag.Benzine said:You cannot have heard any Uk Garage, download some Misteeq or So Solid Crew then you'll see![]()
Jap RapHave you seen Blade the movie? They have these jap girls rapping, the funnyist thing I ever heard in my life. Had me rolling so for that, for one song once in a while can be entertaining in a comedy kinda way.
I live in Ireland. I don't think an band is "bad" just because I don't like them. Now be quiet and listen to Björk.Benzine said:How is Neverland this time of year? I hear it can be quite humid