Which guitarist or guitarists have progressed the most throughout their careers?


May 11, 2001
Gray, Tennessee
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This was on my mind today and I had a hard time deciding, but I would have to go with Ihsahn. If you listen to 'Wrath of the Tyrant' and 'Nightside' then listen to say 'Prometheus' and even some Peccatum you can really tell he has gotten soooo much better.
I am stoked you said Isahn, cause my vote goes to him without question also.
The difference between where he started and where he is now is pretty amazing.
He has the most inspired sense of composition I've ever come accross.
It will take a pretty special musician to beat Isahn on a number of criteria for me.
Emperor are one of the only bands that keep getting better with every listen for me, which is quite a rarity.

I'd say Ihsahn got better in technicality but lost the fire for new stuff in the process. Also Blackheim (Nyström) probably has progressed in technicality but he doesn't write as enchanting stuff as Brave Murder Day or Dance of December Souls.
Originally posted by Goat Labia
Ihsahn, bleh.


Actually, good call Goat Member. Abbath is fucking way better than he was a few albums ago. And adopted himself from playing bass to guitar.
He's progressed technically, and musically. Total Nortern Genius.

Isahn still leads pretty comfortably though.