Which item(s) in your record collection do you cherish the most?

Red Harvest - Sick Transit Gloria Mundi
Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Decapitated - Winds Of Creation
Hate - Awakening Of The Liar
Godflesh - Messiah
I don't have any ONE cd that I cherish the most. I don't have nay rare cd's or anything, or any vinyl. I worship all of my msuic. I lend it out to noone. Been burned too much in the past I guess. I mainly keep them at homw and take a small case to wrok everyday. I cannot possibly narrow the list down to a few.
I lend it out to noone. Been burned too much in the past I guess.
If someone wants to borrow a cd, give them a burned copy. For my more important cds I have an extra copy at hand which I take on trips and keep in the car and such. This way I won't feel bad about scratching it or losing it to someone who doesn't give back what they've borrowed.